Accelerated progression

An employee may be considered for accelerated progression within their school as set out below.

Accelerated progression would not ordinarily be considered as the annual performance arrangements already recognise movement within a salary range. Where the principal is of the view that an employee is performing well above normal expectations acceleration within a salary range (or classification with respect to classroom teachers) may be considered. A decision to approve accelerated salary progression can only arise as an outcome of the performance and development process. Any acceleration will have effect from 1 May of the relevant performance and development cycle.

Where accelerated progression is approved, it is confined to the school in which it is granted. That is, should an employee change schools the employee’s salary will be that which it would have been had the accelerated progression not occurred, unless otherwise determined by the Principal.


Where retention is a concern a principal may consider approving accelerated salary progression. In determining whether to approve accelerated salary progression to retain an employee the principal should have regard to factors such as:

  • the risk of the staff member leaving the teaching service,
  • the degree of difficulty in replacing the employee,
  • the current salary or remuneration of the employee,
  • opportunities for future salary or remuneration increases,
  • relativity with the salary or remuneration levels of other employees performing similar duties,
  • the level of skill, experience and qualifications which the employee may possess

Where the principal decides to accelerate an employee’s salary to retain that employee, the higher salary will have effect from the date determined by the principal which generally will be the commencement of the 1st pay period on or after the date of the decision.

Alternatively the principal may consider using a special payment as an incentive to retain an employee in the teacher, paraprofessional or education support class. For more information, please refer to Special Payments.

Remuneration — Teaching Service accelerated progression

Reviewed 12 June 2024

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