Human resources

Remuneration — Teaching Service

Principal Class employees who are members of a Defined Benefit Scheme

Employees in the principal class who are members of a defined benefits scheme will continue to be paid a total remuneration package. The difference between a total remuneration package and a salary package relates to the cost of employer superannuation that is included within a total remuneration package but excluded from a salary package. This difference can be illustrated as follows:

Total Remuneration Package

Total Remuneration Package: employer superannuation, optional benefits, salary
Total Remuneration Package

Total remuneration package

Salary package

Salary package equals cash salary and optional benefits

Total remuneration package

Total remuneration package equals cash salary and optional benefits plus employer superannuation

Download Total Remuneration Package

The total remuneration package for the principal class employees in a defined benefit scheme includes:

  • cash salary
  • the amount paid by the Department as the employer contribution to a statutory superannuation fund or other complying superannuation fund on behalf of the individual
  • any optional benefits the individual may have elected to include in the remuneration package such as a novated lease vehicle


Where a principal class employee is a member of a defined benefits superannuation scheme, the employer is required to make contributions in line with the relevant legislation.

Salary for superannuation purposes (statutory schemes)

With the exception of employees in the executive or principal class, the salary of an employee who is a member of one of the defined benefit schemes (Revised, New or SERB) is their salary for superannuation purposes.

Employees in the principal class who are members of one of the defined benefit schemes shall have their salary for superannuation purposes determined as follows:

  • members of the Revised Scheme and the SERB Scheme will have a maximum of 82.3% of their total remuneration package recognised by the Emergency Services and State Super Board as salary for superannuation purposes
  • members of the New Scheme will have a maximum of 90.9% of their total remuneration package recognised by the Emergency Services and State Super Board as salary for superannuation purposes
Principal Class employees who are members of a Defined Benefit Scheme

Reviewed 12 June 2024

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