Stage 3: End-cycle feedback and review

A formal end-cycle performance and development review will be undertaken annually, focused on evidence relating to achievement of the education support employee’s PDP goals. Improvement of practice and its impact within the school, network or region will be recognised as part of the review process.

Reflect on practice

The end-cycle formal review will comprise a meeting where the education support employee and reviewer reflect on the evidence collected by the employee throughout the year, discuss the goals outlined in the employee’s PDP, recognise their achievements, and identify areas for further development.

Education support employees should prepare for the formal end-cycle review discussion by:

  • collating and analysing evidence collected over the course of the performance and development cycle
  • reflecting on their performance and growth over the cycle, with reference to the PDP goals
  • documenting their achievements, how they have grown and areas for future further development
  • planning for a constructive, professional conversation with the reviewer and receiving feedback regarding their progress and growth in all areas of their practice

Formal review

Reviewers should make informed, professional judgements about employee practice and improvement using multiple sources of evidence, and considering the circumstances surrounding an employee’s growth throughout the cycle. Data should not be considered in isolation, and no single piece of evidence should determine the outcome of the review.

Reviewers are responsible for determining the overall performance and development outcome for the employee, which must be recorded, and both verbal and written feedback should be provided. Final reviews must be completed by the end of Term 4, and all eligible education support employees must be advised of their final salary progression outcome no late than 30 April.

Final outcome

The final review stage also focuses on specific areas for the employee’s improvement which will inform the PDP for the next performance and development cycle. In this way it marks the formal close of one cycle and serves as the foundation for the next by providing employees with precise feedback on where they can continue to learn and grow.

To provide meaningful, detailed and actionable feedback to employees, reviewers are required to:

  • determine performance and development outcomes for each goal (Meets Requirement, Partially Meets Requirement or Does Not Meet Requirement)
  • provide feedback explaining each outcome
  • provide guidance for further development

Feedback from reviewers should:

  • recognise and celebrate achievement and professional growth
  • identify new or renewed areas for focus in the next performance and development cycle
  • identify strategies and supports to facilitate growth in these areas for the future

Finally, the reviewer will then exercise their professional judgement to determine a final assessment outcome. The table below provides a description of the final outcomes that can be provided.

Employees must enter their progress towards the goals in the PDP section of eduPay. Reviewers must then review, provide the overall outcome and endorse the PDP on eduPay.


Meets Requirements — The performance of the employee has been evaluated as meeting the requirements of effective performance, professional growth and improvement of practice at this stage of career development.

Does Not Meet Requirements — The performance of the employee has been evaluated as not meeting the requirements of effective performance and/or not meeting the expectations for professional growth and improvement of practice at this stage of career development.

Guidance chapter on Stage 3: End-cycle feedback and review

Reviewed 07 February 2025

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