School operations

Notebooks for School Staff Program

Previously Teacher and Principal Notebook Program

Roles and responsibilities


The principal is responsible for:

  • validating the school staff nominations in the program's Asset Management SystemExternal Link (staff login required)
  • allocating notebooks only to eligible school staff
  • setting guidelines for eligible school staff on notebook usage
  • appointing a School Notebook Coordinator
  • ensuring all actions required to facilitate smooth provisioning of the notebooks to school staff are completed by the designated deadlines
  • ensuring notebooks are returned to the department in good working condition as and when required or requested to do so
  • facilitating the replacement of any lost, stolen or damaged notebook accessories
  • implementing the department’s and the school’s Acceptable Use Policies
  • ensuring that the notebooks are used for their intended purpose
  • assuming the School Notebook Coordinator's operational responsibilities when a School Notebook Coordinator is absent
  • never participating in or authorising the sale of a notebook
  • complying with the current Notebooks for School Staff Program (the program) policy.

School Notebook Coordinator

The School Notebook Coordinator is responsible for:

  • being the school level representative for the program and as such, the sole point of contact between participating staff and program staff
  • providing guidance on and assistance to school staff with any Participant Agreement the school plans to implement
  • ensuring notebooks are added to the school asset register
  • tracking notebook allocations against individual school staff members in the program's Asset Management SystemExternal Link (staff login required)
  • notifying the program team (via email as soon as they are aware that a school staff member's eligibility has changed
  • coordinating secure receipt of the notebooks
  • immediately following the process to report and rectify the situation when a notebook is lost or damaged
  • co-ordinating the return of end-of-life notebooks from the school to the department
  • notifying the principal and/or the program immediately if a staff member fails to return a notebook when requested to do so or by the due date
  • ensuring all school staff are kept updated with relevant program information.

School staff

All school staff participating in the program will:

  • notify their School Notebook Coordinator as soon as their eligibility for the program changes
  • take all due care to maintain the condition of the notebook
  • notify the School Notebook Coordinator immediately when a notebook is lost or damaged
  • return the notebook and all its accessories in good condition and working order
  • return the notebook when requested by the department or the school
  • maintain the integrity of department’s software image and ensure any additional software is licensed.


The department will:

  • develop and maintain the Notebooks for School Staff Program policy, procedures and guidelines
  • facilitate the program’s delivery to all Victorian government schools
  • manage nominal allocation calculations and track allocations to schools
  • procure and deliver program-provisioned notebooks
  • coordinate the collection of end-of-life notebooks, including, where appropriate, the option for school staff to purchase a current end-of-life notebook
  • provide relevant, appropriate and timely communication about the program
  • offer a 'Notebook Participant Agreement template' (refer to Resources tab) for schools to modify and implement with their staff if required.
Guidance chapter on the roles and responsibilities under the Notebook Program for Teachers and Principals

Reviewed 31 January 2023

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