8. During travel

8.1 Excess baggage

DET will not cover excess baggage costs for travellers’ personal luggage. Where extra luggage is required, the travellers should investigate the cost of posting additional luggage to the destination.

DET will cover the cost of excess baggage where the excess portion is departmental property required for official business purposes during the trip, and where posting the item(s) is not feasible.

8.2 Transport to and from airports

Fast, reliable and convenient public transport links are available to and from many inter-state and international airports. Where a public transport link exists, travellers are encouraged to use these if feasible and safe to do so, as they provide a significantly cheaper alternative to taxis.

8.2.1 Driving when tired, or after a long flight

Travellers should not be required to drive a vehicle under conditions in which fatigue is likely to arise. Hiring a vehicle after a long flight, for instance, is not recommended.

8.3 Taxis

The cost of taxis to and from places of government business, such as hotels, government and supplier offices is reimbursable when travelling on official business, subject to financial delegate approval. Travellers should use Cabcharge or similar vouchers for taxi travel, where possible.

Where voucher use is not available, the cost of taxis is reimbursable when it is part of government-funded travel. Please see reimbursement of travel and personal expensesExternal Link for more information.

8.4 Trains and city public transport

Travellers are encouraged to use public transport and courtesy services where safe and feasible. The cost of trains and public transport is reimbursable when it is part of government-funded travel.

Please see reimbursement of travel and personal expensesExternal Link for more.

8.5 Amenities

Hotel amenities (internet, car parking and laundry services) can be expensive. Should such expenses be reasonably incurred, they may be reimbursable on approval by the traveller’s financial delegate.

8.6 Cancellations

Most hotels have strict cancellation policies. To avoid incurring additional costs, cancellations should be made as soon as possible and at least 24 hours before arrival.

8.7 Accommodation at non‑registered providers

The Victorian Government will not reimburse travellers for overnight accommodation at non‑registered accommodation providers (for example, when a traveller stays with family or friends).

8.8 Meals

The costs of meals when travelling for official business may be reimbursed. Please refer to reimbursement of travel and personal expensesExternal Link policy for further information.

8.9 Miscellaneous expenses

DET will reimburse reasonable, travel-related out of pocket expenses incurred by their travellers during the exercise of their duties in accordance with the reimbursement of travel and personal expensesExternal Link policy.

8.10 Travel‑related telecommunications

Using mobile phones overseas: Using an Australian mobile phone provided by the government when travelling overseas is likely to attract expensive roaming fees. Travellers’ respective travel approvers must authorise such use of mobile devices in advance.

Calling cards/local SIM cards: International calling cards and local SIM cards represent a cost‑effective method to place business‑related calls whilst travelling overseas. Their use must be considered as an alternative to hotel phones and mobile phone roaming, provided it does not breach the information security guidelines. The cost of such cards will be reimbursed.

8.11 Parking and other fines

The Victorian Government will not reimburse the cost of paying traffic or parking fines, which are the responsibility of the driver.

8.12 E-tolls and other tolls

DET will reimburse e-tolls and other toll fees incurred whilst driving a government-funded rental car, subject to financial delegate approval.

8.13 GPS and other accessories

The rental of a GPS device is allowed and DET will reimburse its costs, subject to travel approver’s authorisation. The rental of other car rental accessories is not allowed, unless approved in writing by the travel approver before the travel.

8.14 Car rental return

Hired cars must be returned with a full tank when feasible as most car rental companies charge refill fees.

Chapter 8 of the Travel Rules of Use — school-based staff outlining requirements and considerations during travel including excess baggage, taxis, public transport, accommodation, meals and more

Reviewed 18 July 2024

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