9. Post-travel reporting

9.1 Overview

For an overview of post-travel reporting requirements, see below.

Post-travel reporting requirements

TRA required
  • intra-state travel for more than 5 consecutive nights
  • inter-state travel for 5 consecutive nights or less
  • inter-state travel for more than 5 consecutive nights
  • international travel
Post-travel report required
  • intra-state travel for more than 5 consecutive nights
  • inter-state travel for more than 5 consecutive nights
  • international travel
Quarterly report to Executive Board

international travel

Annual Report

international travel

9.2 Post-travel report

Travellers must pro-actively manage travel policy compliance in a closed loop from pre-approval through to post-travel acquittal and reporting. The travel report should be completed and uploaded to the travel application on the travel system within 14 days of return from travel.

Required information for the travel report includes:

  • report on achievement of the stated strategic and/or operational objectives of the travel
  • substantiate travel expenditure for fringe benefits tax purposes
  • confirm the approved travel itinerary was undertaken and identify any material changes.

Where travellers have travelled in a group, the lead traveller for the group is to submit a single travel report on behalf of the group.

9.3 Reporting on travel forecasts

Regional directors will use their TRA data to forecast proposed travel on a quarterly basis, and report on this travel forecast to the travel registrars. Regional directors are to coordinate with principals in their area to develop regional travel forecasts.

DET provides quarterly travel monitoring reports to executive board from approved TRAs (for corporate and school-based travellers’ travel).

Information about international travel undertaken by corporate and school-based travellers will be included in DET’s annual report.

9.4 Documentation

All relevant documentation and approvals must be provided to substantiate the travel undertaken. This will enable DET to retain the information in its travel systems for future reference.

Examples of types of documentation to be supplied for any type of travel include tax invoices, public transport tickets, airline tickets, travel requests, accommodation details, travel itineraries, and any other documentation that defines the purpose of the travel.

Chapter 9 of the Travel Rules of Use — school-based staff outlining requirements relating to post-travel reporting and documentation

Reviewed 07 March 2023

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