School operations

Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies)

Stage 3 – Ongoing support and recovery

In addition to the immediate response and reporting of an incident, many incidents will require ongoing response and recovery support.

Following an incident, schools must identify those most affected and vulnerable, address their physical and psychological needs and provide ongoing monitoring and recovery support, to try to offset the initial distress and responses.

For all severity level incidents, schools should plan to:

  • take active steps to promote and protect students’ safety and wellbeing
  • develop ongoing risk management strategies
  • support student(s) through any action they or their families take to seek justice or redress, including making a report to Victoria Police
  • provide ongoing support to all affected students and staff, as their need may change. This may include assisting to access specialist support services, including treatment, counselling, or trauma and victim support services and debriefing for staff and student witnesses as part of their recovery.

Key ongoing actions in response to the incident should be documented on the relevant student(s) file.

For incidents that are rated:

  • High and Extreme, the schools regional area executive director (AED) or delegate will:
    • contact the principal to ensure confidence in actions undertaken and planned
    • identify any needs and coordinate assistance to the school
    • update the eduSafe Plus incident report
  • Low and Medium, schools can seek assistance or advice directly from region or central teams (Employee Conduct Branch, Legal Division, regional senior education improvement leader (SEIL), Employee Safety), as required.

Guidance for principals in managing trauma for students, staff and school community members following an incident can be found in the Managing Trauma guide (PDF)External Link and online modules (LearnED)External Link .

Department policies and guidance to guide ongoing response and recovery for specific types of incidents

In addition to any relevant school-based policies (including the school’s Emergency Management Plan and student engagement policies), there are a number of department policies that support effective incident response and recovery with respect to specific types of incidents, to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of students and staff. These include the following.

Incidents involving child abuse

Child Protection and Child Safe Standards (PROTECT)External Link

Incidents involving emergencies

In addition to this policy and guidance, refer to Emergency and Critical Incident Management Planning

Incidents involving student sexual offending or problem sexual behaviour

Student Sexual Offending and Problem Sexual Behaviour

Incidents involving suicidal ideation

Self-Harm and Attempted Suicide Response

Incidents involving restraint of student

Restraint and Seclusion

Incidents impacting on student or staff mental health

Mental health support after an emergency or natural disasterExternal Link

Incidents involving fraud or corruption

Fraud and Corruption Control

Incidents involving Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in Schools

Chapter in the Guidelines and Procedures for Reporting and Managing School Incidents outlining required actions for ongoing support and recovery following the response and reporting of an incident

Reviewed 19 September 2024

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