School operations

Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies)

Meaning of incident

Under these Guidelines an 'incident' is any actual or alleged event or situation that:

  • causes harm, or creates a risk of causing harm to a student’s health, safety or wellbeing either directly or indirectly while under the care or supervision of the school, including international students
  • impacts a student's health, safety or wellbeing and is brought to the attention of the school, regardless of when or where it occurred, provided it is impacting on the student or other students within the school setting
  • causes harm, or creates a risk of causing harm to an employee’s health, safety or wellbeing either directly or indirectly in the work setting
  • affects or risks affecting the continuity of school operations, including matters of security (including cyber security), property damage and emergencies
  • requires police notification or involves matters of serious conduct
  • is a WorkSafe notifiable incident (serious incident or dangerous occurrence).
Chapter outlining the types of incidents that are covered by the Guidelines and Procedures for Reporting and Managing School Incidents

Reviewed 16 February 2022

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