A whole-of-practice approach
‘Seeking self-knowledge is a prerequisite for and motivation of growth and improvement’ (London 2003).
The whole-of-practice approach ensures principal class employee performance and development is framed against the Australian Professional Standard for Principals (the Standard), in the context of the school’s strategic priorities. The Standard identifies what principals are expected to know, understand and do to succeed in their work and ensure their leadership has a positive impact on the school community. The Standard and the associated Leadership Profiles and Practices can be found at Unpack the Principal .
Performance and development planning, goal setting, conversations and feedback should encompass all elements of a principal class employee’s practice in the context of their school and their Performance and Development Plan (PDP). It should acknowledge that the totality of a principal class employee’s work contributes to improvements in student achievement, engagement and wellbeing, and place strong emphasis on the collective responsibility amongst school based staff for the learning of all students.
Principal class employees will use the Standard and the school’s priorities, as articulated in the School Strategic Plan (SSP) and the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), to reflect on their practice and inform their PDP. Principals will set 4 goals, 1 in each of the Domains of Principal Practice (Leadership of Quality Teaching and Life Long Learning, Strategic Resource Management, and System and Community Engagement), which are aligned with the Leadership Practices defined in the Australian Professional Standard for Principals, and a school and student outcomes goal, taking into account the Domains of Principal Practice. Each of these goals may reference elements of the others. This approach acknowledges the holistic nature of principal class employees’ practice.
The PDP documentation comprises:
- 4 performance and development goals
- strategies that will be used to support the achievement of each goal
- evidence that will be collected to demonstrate achievement of each goal
- reference to the Australian Professional Standard’s Leadership Practice(s) to which each goal relates
The PDP documentation, recorded in eduPay, also functions as a record of the formal review conversations that will be held between principal class employees and reviewers at mid-cycle and end-cycle points. Supporting these formal discussions, ongoing performance and development conversations should continue throughout the cycle.
Figure 1 Whole-of-practice approach for Principal Class Employees
Whole-of-practice approach for Performance and Development for Principal Class Employees
Reviewed 07 February 2025