Support and resources
System wide support is essential in building a positive performance and development culture in a school.
Support and resources around the Performance and Development Plan (PDP) system are available through the following Department websites:
- Education Support Class employees: performance and
- Teacher Class employees: performance and
- Online PDP Support and (staff login required)
Resources include:
- information on capacity building workshops for principals
- PDP templates
- SMART goal tips
- PDP writing advice
- possible sources of evidence lists
- activity check lists
- guidance on classroom observation
- feedback tools and protocols
- online PDP quick reference guides and instructional videos
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership website hosts national guidelines to assist principals and schools with performance and development and professional learning, and offers a range of tools and resources including the application of standards, self-reviews and illustrations of practice.
Further tools and resources to support effective professional learning can be found on the Department’s website.
Refer to the Relevant research chapter of these Guidelines for relevant research.
Refer to the Resources tab for useful links.
Reviewed 07 February 2025