
Casual relief teachers (CRTs) are casual employees engaged by school councils under Part 2.3 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

School councils may employ casual relief teachers for periods of up to 30 consecutive working days for a range of reasons including:

  • to replace a teacher absent on leave
  • to replace a teacher undertaking other duties or professional development
  • to undertake a specific task or activity that requires a registered teacher

If a replacement teacher is required for a period exceeding 30 consecutive working days, the vacancy is to be filled as a teaching service vacancy in accordance with the procedures set out in the Recruitment in Schools guide.

Circumstances may arise where a casual relief teacher has been employed to replace a teacher absent on personal leave that is anticipated to be 30 consecutive working days or less but the absence extends beyond 30 consecutive working days. In this case, the casual replacement teacher must be offered employment on a fixed term basis in the teaching service. The duration of the fixed term employment will be until the teacher the casual relief teacher is replacing returns to duty or the end of the school year whichever occurs first. Schools Recruitment Unit will need to be contacted for a copy of the fixed term employment offer to be used and to give effect to the offer.

Casual Relief Teachers Panel

From 19 April 2021, schools that wish to engage an agency for the provision of casual relief teachers are required to use the Department's Casual Relief Teachers Panel arrangement.

For further information refer to: Department-managed categoriesExternal Link (login required)

Please refer to the Policy and Guidelines tab for further information.

Relevant legislation

Contact information

Overview of HR topic — casual relief teachers (CRTS)

Reviewed 14 February 2025

Policy last updated

15 June 2020


  • Schools


People Division For further contacts refer to 'Contact information' heading below

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