To positively influence school improvement, effective principals exercise a particular set of leadership capabilities, which are summarised in the Australian Professional Standard for Principals (the Standard). The Standard sets out what principals are expected to know, understand and do to achieve excellence in their work. It takes full account of the crucial contribution made by principals in:
- raising student achievement at all levels and all stages
- promoting equity and excellence
- creating and sustaining the conditions under which quality teaching and learning thrive
- influencing, developing and delivering community expectations and government policy
- contributing to the development of a 21st century education system at local, national and international levels
The Standard is based on 3 leadership requirements:
- vision and values
- knowledge and understanding
- personal qualities and social and interpersonal skills
These requirements are enacted through the following 5 key professional practices:
- leading teaching and learning
- developing self and others
- leading improvement, innovation and change
- leading the management of the school
- engaging and working with the community
Aspirants to principal positions may wish to undertake the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership’s Unlocking Potential which is the Department’s principal preparation program for high potential leaders. The program gives participants the opportunity to broaden their understanding of professional practice areas aligned to the Standard. From 2017, participants will be awarded a Graduate Certificate of Principal Preparation (Victoria) on successful completion of the program. This formal qualification will be conferred by Monash University and will serve as a mark of excellence in school leadership.
Reviewed 10 May 2020