School operations

Child and Family Violence Information Sharing Schemes

Chapter 7 — Requesting information under the Information Sharing Schemes

As prescribed Information Sharing Entities under the Information Sharing Schemes, schools can request information from any other Information Sharing Entity to promote the wellbeing or safety of a child or group of children or to manage family violence risk.

When requesting information relating to family violence risk to a child (anyone under the age of 18 years old) they will be doing so under both Information Sharing Schemes, as managing family violence risk for children will also benefit their safety and wellbeing.

While it is the responsibility of the Information Sharing Entity that receives the request to ensure that the requirements for sharing under either scheme is met before sharing the information, schools should submit sufficient details in their request to the Information Sharing Entity feels satisfied the requirements for sharing are met.

If a school’s request for information under the Information Sharing Schemes is declined by another Information Sharing Entity, schools should have a conversation with the declining Information Sharing Entity about the reason for this decision. The school may be able to provide further details that would satisfy the other Information Sharing Entity that the threshold has been met.

For a template for making a request for information from another Information Sharing Entity under the Information Sharing Schemes refer to: Template for making or responding to a request and proactively sharing information under CISS and/or FVISS (DOCX)External Link .

Schools should note that some Information Sharing Entities have their own forms for information sharing request, such as:

Schools should use these forms when requesting information under the Information Sharing Schemes from prescribed statutory organisations.

Requesting information from an Information Sharing Entity under the Child Information Sharing Scheme

When schools want to request information from another Information Sharing Entity using the Child Information Sharing Scheme, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Determine why the information is needed and how it will be used by the school to promote a student’s wellbeing or safety
  2. Consider the Child Information Sharing Scheme legislative principles before requesting information, including to take into account the views of the child and/or family member before requesting the information if safe, appropriate and reasonable to do so. If it is not safe, appropriate and reasonable, information sharing should continue.
  3. Verify that the service they are requesting the information from is a prescribed Information Sharing Entity using the online ISE ListExternal Link .
  4. Contact the Information Sharing Entity and verify their specific requirements in lodging a request for information.
  5. For best practice, schools should record:
  6. Store the record securely. Take reasonable steps to ensure that records are kept secure and protected from misuse, loss and unauthorised disclosure. The record must also be only accessible with those who have a requirement to access or manage it. Refer to: Records Management — School Records for further information.

Requesting information from an Information Sharing Entity under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme

When schools want to request information from another Information Sharing Entity under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Determine the request meets the three requirements for sharing for family violence risk management (protection).
  2. Consider the Family Violence Information Sharing legislative principles before requesting information, including seeking taking into account into account the views of the child and/or family member that is not a perpetrator where it is appropriate, safe and reasonable to do so.
  3. Verify that the service that the request will be sent to is an Information Sharing Entity via the online ISE ListExternal Link .
  4. Contact the Information Sharing Entity and verify their specific requirements in lodging a request for information.
  5. For best practice, schools should record:
    • the date request was made
    • the information sharing entity the request was made to
    • how the three requirements for sharing were met
    • the requested information.
  6. Store the record securely. Take reasonable steps to ensure that records are kept secure and protected from misuse, loss and unauthorised disclosure. The record must also be only accessible with those who have a requirement to access or manage it. Refer to: Records Management — School Records for further information.

Requesting information for the purpose of a family violence assessment under Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme

Some Information Sharing Entities are also prescribed as Risk Assessment Entities under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme. Risk Assessment Entities can receive and share information for the purpose of establishing or assessing the risk of family violence in addition to the purpose of managing the risk to the victim survivor once risk has been established.

Information Sharing Entities that are not also Risk Assessment Entities may only request information from other Information Sharing Entities using the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme for the purpose of family violence protection, once they have formed a reasonable belief that family violence is present (i.e. family violence risk is established).

This means that schools, as Information Sharing Entities (but not Risk Assessment Entities) cannot request information from any Information Sharing Entities (including those that are also Risk Assessment Entities) until family violence has been established. For guidance on establishing family violence, refer to the chapter on Requirements before sharing information under the Information Sharing Schemes.

Guidance chapter on requesting information under the Information Sharing Schemes

Reviewed 06 June 2024

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