School operations

Contractor OHS Management

6. Contractor OHS non-conformance

6.1 Centrally or regionally engaged contractors

The principal and/or their delegate can request the contractor to cease work if an engaged contractor fails to comply with OHS requirements and/or is working in an unsafe manner. In this instance, the principal or their delegate is to contact the relevant central or regional office representative, who will work to rectify the non-conformance with the contractor in consultation with the principal or their delegate.

6.2 School engaged contractors

The principal and/or their delegate can request the contractor to cease work if the contractor fails to comply with OHS requirements and/or is working in an unsafe manner. The principal and/or their delegate can then, in consultation with the contractor in question, work with them to rectify the non-conformance

If the contractor fails to comply after consultation, the principal and/or their delegate are to communicate to the contractor to cease work immediately. A contractor can then be issued with a Contractor OHS non-conformance report (DOCX)External Link , if deemed required and the works be terminated.

Chapter 6 of the Contractor OHS Management Procedure outlining steps to follow in cases of non-conformance with OHS requirements

Reviewed 17 June 2024

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