School operations

Contractor OHS Management

2. Approval of centrally or regionally engaged contractors

The relevant central or regional office representative is responsible for approving engaged contractors, for example, for capital and project managed works.

2.1 Approval of school engaged contractors

The principal and/or their delegate must approve school-engaged contractors by verifying the following details, prior to the commencement of works:

2.2 Provider pre-approval process

The department is making it easier for schools to engage contractors by pre-approving the following categories of providers:

  • arborists – tree inspection and maintenance specialists
  • electricians
  • first aid kit supply and inspection
  • hazardous chemical waste removalists
  • height safety specialists
  • management of beehives and swarms specialists
  • OHS consultants
  • plant and equipment inspection and maintenance specialists
  • playground equipment inspection and maintenance specialists
  • structural engineers
  • shade sail specialists
  • testing and tagging specialists
  • wildlife handlers – snake specialists.

Pre-approved provider details will become available to all schools via the Simplifying the Engagement of Specialist OHS Providers web page.

Schools will be required to request a quote for services as per the Procurement – Schools Policy.

To apply to become pre-approved provider:

  1. complete the application form (DOCX)External Link
  2. attach all relevant certificates, licences and other documents requested
  3. submit your completed application form and relevant documents to
  4. for more information, refer to: Simplifying the Engagement of Specialist OHS providers — Application and Assessment Guide (DOCX)External Link .

2.3 Record approved school engaged contractors

The principal or their delegate must record approved contractors in the Contractor Register (XLSX)External Link or equivalent template. The equivalent template must include the following information:

  • company name
  • individual contractor name
  • services provided
  • address
  • telephone number
  • email address
  • licence details (for example, electrician licence number)
  • Public Liability Insurance expiry date
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance expiry date (not required for sole traders)
  • induction date
  • completion of SWMS.

Note: Not applicable for contractors being managed by central office.

Chapter 2 of the Contractor OHS Management Procedure on approval processes for centrally or regionally engaged contractors

Reviewed 05 June 2024

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