Project delivery

As part of the Accessible Buildings Program (ABP) delivery model, works can be undertaken through different methods based on the project scope, cost, and complexity.

ABP project manager

In most instances, works are managed and delivered through the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA)External Link . Either a building contractor or an ABP project manager (consultant) is appointed to oversee the project and be the point of contact for the school and community. Their role may also include:

  • visiting the school to develop a scope of works and a cost estimate and prioritising works to accommodate the specific needs in the application
  • briefing the school and community on the proposed amenity modifications
  • managing project operations including site access arrangements, contractor claims and advice, coordinating the completion and handover process, and updating the Asset Management Information System (AIMS) with information about the facility modifications.


In some instances where schools are seeking minor works that are considered straight forward, the project can be delivered through the school as a grant. This is where the school engages a builder directly to undertake the approved works.

When the project is finished, the school must submit a completion acquittal form to the VSBA. A reimbursement of funds is then made to the school within four weeks.

Asset management of hearing equipment (including transfer of equipment between schools)

Schools that receive a grant to purchase hearing equipment must consider the following points:

  • All hearing equipment is owned and managed by the school. The school is responsible for the maintenance and repair of equipment and ensuring that all equipment is used appropriately and stored securely. The school must register all hearing equipment on the CASES21 Asset Register regardless of value for insurance purposes.
  • Where the eligible student has finished enrolment at the school, the equipment remains in the ownership of the school. The school must store and maintain the hearing equipment and make it available for future students who may require the hearing equipment.
  • If the eligible student transfers to a different Victorian government school, the school may transfer the hearing equipment to the student’s new school. The receiving school becomes the owner of the equipment transferred with the student, and both schools must note the transfer of equipment in the asset register in CASES21. The school transferring the equipment must ensure that an Asset status change request form (DOCX)External Link is completed and approved by the principal before any equipment is transferred in accordance with Section 13.15 Transfer of assets between schools and Section 13.16 Transfer of materials or equipment of the Finance Manual.
  • For further guidance on transferring equipment between schools, refer to Section 13 - Assets and Inventory Management of the Finance Manual or contact the Schools Financial Management Support team at
  • Where the transferring school is not able to transfer hearing equipment and the receiving school does not have any existing hearing equipment that a pre-qualified student can use, the receiving school must make a new application to obtain hearing equipment for the student.
Guidance chapter on the Accessible Buildings Program delivery model, including grants for minor, straightforward works in schools

Reviewed 09 May 2024

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