Hearing technology eligibility
Hearing eligibility
The Accessible Buildings Program (ABP) supports students with hearing loss with the provision of eligible hearing technology. Provisions are in place to support the high volume of hearing equipment applications and to ensure program resources are distributed for maximum student impact.
Confirming hearing loss
A qualified audiologist must provide evidence to confirm hearing loss to support an application for hearing technology through the ABP. This evidence should include official recommendations to support curriculum. The technology that is being applied for must be portable in order to support students as they progress through their schooling years, and be compatible with personal hearing devices such as hearing aids and personal sound amplifiers.
Eligible technology
Technology must not duplicate equipment provided by other department programs, through the Commonwealth funded Australian Hearing program, or through the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Hearing technology can be provided in primary classrooms or home rooms, specialist classrooms, and assembly or auditoriums.
Eligible learning areas
The required areas should be identified on a school map with relevant room numbers provided in the application. Schools are expected to adjust timetables and classroom use where possible to maximise use of the hearing technology equipment. Where this has not occurred, applications will not be considered.
Compatible technology
The application must include a description of the type and brands of anyexisting hearing technology or audio equipment within the school. Schools should indicate where compatibility is required with existing school technology. Mixing hearing technology brands is not recommended as transmitters and receivers must be of the same brand for compatibility with personal assistive listening devices or with existing technology within the school environment.
Reviewed 08 December 2022