Step 4 – Evaluation

Evaluate each risk to determine whether the level of risk is acceptable and the appropriate response to the risk. The levels of acceptability relate to the risk rating levels and are described as:

  • Extreme
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low.

Risk acceptability chart

The department's risk acceptability chart is used to decide whether the risk is acceptable, based on the rating calculated.

Extreme (must have principal, school council or regional office oversight)

Immediately consider whether the activity associated with this risk should cease. Any decision to continue exposure to this level of risk should be made at principal, school council or regional office level, be subject to the development of detailed treatments, on-going oversight and high level review.

High (with ongoing principal class officer review)

Risk should be reduced by developing treatments. It should be subject to on-going review to ensure controls remain effective, and the benefits balance against the risk. Escalation of this level of risk to principal class officer level should occur.

Medium (with frequent risk owner review)

Exposure to the risk may continue, provided it has been appropriately assessed and has been managed to as low as reasonably practicable. It should be subject to frequent review to ensure the risk analysis remains valid and the controls effective. Treatments to reduce the risk can be considered.

Low (with periodic review)

Exposure to this risk is acceptable, but is subject to periodic review to ensure it does not increase and current control effectiveness does not vary.

Guidance chapter outlining step 4 of the risk management process for schools – evaluating each risk to determine whether the risk is acceptable and the appropriate response to the risk

Reviewed 07 June 2024

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