School operations

Risk Management – Schools

Step 2 – Risk identification

Risk identification means thinking about what could go wrong when you are delivering your objective.

2.1 Identify the risks

Use the SWOT matrix analysis tool (PDF)External Link to analyse the environment, establish current issues and consider future risks. The SWOT matrix analysis tool provides a structured way to consider internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Ask yourself ‘what can go wrong?’

Consider whether it would be beneficial to involve key stakeholders when conducting your SWOT analysis.

2.2 Consider causes, consequences and opportunities

Consider each risk in more detail and identify:

  • Causes: what would cause it to go wrong?
  • Consequences: what are the impacts if it does go wrong?
  • Opportunities: what can go right?

2.3 Record your risks

Use the school risk register templates in the Resources tab to record your risks and associated details (risk rating, controls and treatments).

Review risks periodically and update the risk register accordingly.

Guidance chapter outlining step 2 of the risk management process for schools – identifying relevant risks

Reviewed 07 June 2024

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