School operations

Restraint and Seclusion

Implementation of the policy and guidelines

The Restraint and Seclusion Policy and Guidelines cannot describe every situation where physical restraint or seclusion may or may not be appropriate.

The decision whether to use physical restraint or seclusion rests with the professional judgement and discretion of school staff and will vary in different circumstances and contexts. School staff should ensure they are familiar with the Restraint and Seclusion Policy and Guidelines so they understand the limited circumstances when physical restraint and seclusion may be used.

The Restraint and Seclusion Policy and Guidelines apply to every Victorian government school.

Implementation of the Restraint and Seclusion Policy and these Guidelines is the responsibility of every principal. Effective implementation relies on:

  • revisiting them on an annual basis as a school team (for example, through discussion at staff meetings, professional development, or training sessions) and as individuals
  • established procedures within schools for reporting physical restraint and seclusion - refer to: Within-School Procedure for Reporting Physical Restraint and Seclusion Incidents (DOCX)External Link
  • schools implementing evidence-based positive behaviour support programs, modifying environments, and ensuring data is appropriately recorded
  • staff feeling safe in their work environments
  • Behaviour Support Plans being used with fidelity to address challenging behaviours of students
  • all incidents of physical restraint or seclusion being reviewed and, if appropriate, behavioural strategies being revised – refer to: Guide for Conducting a School-Based Review (DOCX)External Link .

Schools must comply with the Department’s Privacy and Information Sharing Policy when managing incidents of physical restraint or seclusion. Information can be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis to discharge important legal obligations such as duty of care.

Non-school department staff, such as allied health practitioners and NDIS-funded therapists, working with students are required to comply with the Restraint and Seclusion Policy and Guidelines. Schools must provide non-school department staff working with students with a link to the Restraint and Seclusion Policy and these Guidelines.

The department will review the Restraint and Seclusion Policy and Guidelines on a regular basis and update as required.

Guidance chapter outlining how to implement the Restraint and Seclusion Policy and Guidelines

Reviewed 17 June 2024

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