The quality of the workforce is the major factor driving improvement in schools. The department supports a culture of leadership, learning and renewal in all workplaces with opportunities for career development and advancement. Excellent service provision can only happen when the right people are attracted, recruited, and supported to do their jobs as effectively as possible.
In this context schools are able to build progressively, or maintain, a staff team that can provide the best possible teaching and learning in the school. The department is committed to the standard mode of employment in schools being ongoing. Schools have the capacity to select the best available employees to meet the educational needs of students and to maximise ongoing employment opportunities in Victorian government schools. Local selection arrangements provide the most effective way of matching the talents and career aspirations of employees with the specific needs of individual schools.
Principals have the delegated authority and responsibility within the context of a legislative framework to manage the recruitment of employees as vacancies arise. In exercising this authority and responsibility principals are reminded of the consultative requirements under the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022 in relation to matters involving the long-term planning and operation of the school.
Part 2 of the Public Administration Act 2004 establishes public sector values and employment principles to be applied by all Victorian public sector bodies. The employment principles underpin employment processes which apply to the Victorian public sector, which includes employees in the teaching service. Information regarding the Victorian Public Sector Employment Principles and Standards and associated guidelines is available on the Schools Policy and Advisory Library.
The department has the responsibility to protect and provide for the welfare and safety of students and staff and to maintain the security of resources and assets by requiring and maintaining high standards of professional behaviour and conduct from employees. In order to meet its responsibilities, the Department must be satisfied that only those who meet the highest standards of integrity and suitability are employed. In addition, the principal must be satisfied that the prospective employee is suitable for child-connected work.
This document brings together the key aspects of recruitment policy and other human resources policies to assist principals in the recruitment, transfer and promotion of staff to meet both the short and long-term needs of their school and the professional learning needs and career aspirations of employees. Unless specifically indicated, the policy and procedures outlined apply to all teaching service positions other than principal positions.
While principals may exercise a significant degree of discretion in implementing many of these policies and procedures, a number of mandatory requirements are also described. Legislation, orders made under that legislation, and industrial instruments are cross referenced where relevant.
The recruitment process can be illustrated as follows:
Reviewed 13 June 2023