School operations


Temporary enrolments – emergency school closures

Where a student is unable to attend their school because of a flood-related closure, another government school (host school) that has capacity to accept the student’s enrolment on a temporary basis may do so. In these circumstances, the following arrangements apply:

  1. The principal of the host school must advise the principal of the student’s substantive school (base school).
  2. The base school must follow the CASES21 instructions: Transferring students from flood impacted schools (DOCX)External Link (staff login required) to enable the full transfer of student information (for example, emergency contacts, health and other risk information) to the host school for the duration of the temporary enrolment. Where possible, details for a key contact staff member at the student’s base school should be provided so that the host school can discuss any risk, duty of care or continuity of learning issues as needed.
    • If there are no staff members of the base school who are able to access CASES21 for the purposes of processing the transfer due to flood damage, please advise your senior education improvement leader (SEIL) who will work with the department’s CASES21 team to support the transfer.
  3. The host school should inform the regional office through the SEIL of any temporary enrolments and provide basic information about the students including the number of such enrolments and the names of their base schools.

Attendance records must be kept in CASES21 for the student at the host school and any unexplained absences during the temporary placement should be followed up for that student by the host school as would be the case for any other student. The data will transfer back to the base school through CASES21 once the student can return (when their school is reopened).

Includes information on temporary enrolment arrangements for students unable to attend their school because of a flood-related closure

Reviewed 03 February 2025

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