Appealing enrolment decisions

Parents and carers are able to appeal against a school’s decision not to provide a placement. This can occur in relation to enrolments at Foundation, placements at Year 7, or placements at other year levels.

Appealing a Foundation enrolment or Year 7 placement decision

In the case of appeals regarding Foundation enrolment or Year 7 placement decisions, there is a set date by which time the school must respond to parents/carers lodging an appeal, usually 2 to 3 weeks after the appeals period closes.

Appeals are considered by the school’s placement or enrolment committee and/or principal, and the school’s decision will be communicated to the parent/carer in writing. In assessing the appeal, the school will check to ensure compliance with the priority order of placement, and the processes for verifying permanent address, as appropriate. Schools will assess and make a determination for appeals on compassionate grounds on a case-by-case basis.

If the appeal at the school level is unsuccessful and parents/carers are not satisfied that the school has correctly applied the Placement Policy or adequately considered their circumstances, they are able to escalate the appeal to the relevant regional director, by lodging an appeal in writing. Appeals to the regional director must be lodged by the set closing date (as advised in the statewide timeline documents for Foundation enrolment and Year 7 placement).

Appeals to the regional director are considered by a panel of senior regional staff which then provides advice and a recommendation to the regional director who makes the final decision. This concludes the appeal process.

Appealing a placement at other year levels

In the first instance, parents or carers should lodge a written appeal with the school at which the student has been unsuccessful in gaining a placement.

If this appeal is unsuccessful and parents or carers are not satisfied that their appeal has been adequately considered, they are able to escalate the appeal to the relevant regional director.

For local government schools, appeals to the regional director are considered using the priority order of placement in the Placement Policy. For specialist schools, refer to Enrolment in specialist schools for more information.

Regional office contact details and locations are on the department’s website, visit: Office LocationsExternal Link

Chapter in the Enrolment in a Victorian Government School Guidelines outlining the process for parent appeals in relation to enrolment decisions

Reviewed 13 February 2025

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