Processing applications (using SCAS)
School Conveyancing Allowance System (SCAS)
Schools must submit applications for the conveyance allowance on the Student Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS).
Schools can also use SCAS to:
- retain records of conveyance allowance application forms
- access student information from CASES21 and check student eligibility
- lodge documentation and claims to the department
- report payments made to applicants
- roll forward applications in Term 1 from the previous school year.
Non–government schools must do a new import of enrolment data at the beginning of each school year. Further guidance about importing data is set out below under 'Step 3 - Update/import student enrolment data'.
SCAS can be used by government and non-government schools.
School staff using SCAS need to complete and submit a SCAS user ID form to be given access to the system. Staff must email completed forms to
Further information is available at:
- SCAS school user guide
- Import instructions and template – this is for non-government schools completing step 3 below
- SCAS ticket name – public transport fare cross reference .
A small number of interstate schools, teaching units and English language outposts are unable to be provided with access to SCAS and should continue to use the relevant claim spread sheet. Claim forms can be downloaded, see:
- Interstate school claim (Victorian students only) – students residing in Victoria but attending an interstate school because it is the student’s nearest school must use this form to apply for a conveyance allowance.
- Teaching unit or outpost claim
- Interstate and teaching unit claim troubleshooting guide
- Interstate and Teaching Unit Claim Troubleshooting Guide .
How to process applications
Step 1: ‘Roll forward applications’
The ‘roll forward applications’ feature will copy claim applications in bulk from the previous school year, while incrementing the student’s year level.
Schools are recommended to use the 'roll forward' feature to make the process faster.
The ‘roll forward’ feature cannot be used:
- on new applications (for example, for new students or if a student’s circumstances changed)
- on applications lodged the year before but assessed as ineligible
- for students in Year 12 the previous year
- for students in Year 6 in a primary school the previous year
Action required:
- Log into using your TO or eduweb ID and password.
- On the SCAS homepage under the control panel menu, select 'Roll Forward Applications'.
- Tick the desired box(es) to select applications from one or more separate year levels or tick 'Select’ for all year levels.
- Select ‘Roll Forward’ and SCAS will schedule this process to be executed overnight.
On the next working day, SCAS will have created a new application with the same profile/information from the previous school year. However, the year level for the student will be incremented by 1 year from last year.
By default, SCAS will set the application travel start and travel end dates for the entire school year.
New public transport ticketing costs are provided by the Department of Transport (previously PTV) and loaded into SCAS at the beginning of the calendar year.
Step 2: Deleting applications
Schools must delete any applications for students who have been rolled forward to the current school year but have exited the school. This will stop conveyance payments being made for students who are no longer attending the school in the current school year.
Action required, delete an application:
- On the SCAS home page, select 'Applications Report’ under the control panel.
- Locate the application to be deleted, and select ‘Application ID’.
- The View Application screen is displayed for the selected application. Select ‘Delete’.
- Select ‘Confirm Delete’.
- Repeat as required for other applications to be deleted (go back to step 2).
Step 3: Update/import student enrolment data
In order for SCAS to detect any changes that may affect conveyance allowance eligibility:
- Government schools must ensure that CASES21 (Admin) accurately reflects the current student enrolment details (that all current student enrolments are shown as active on CASES21).
- SCAS downloads student enrolment data from CASES21 each night. SCAS will subsequently indicate applications with changes detected.
- Go to ‘Step 4’ on this page.
- Non-government schools must import their current student enrolment system data file into SCAS in Term 1 of the current school year.
- The ‘Import student enrolment data’ feature allows non-government schools to enter and amend student enrolment details in bulk.
- Non-government schools are recommended to import student enrolment data for their students at least once each term to maintain the correct/current student enrolment and exit data.
Action required (non-government schools):
- On the SCAS home page under the control panel menu select 'Import student enrolment data’. The template file will assist you to create your import (.csv) file.
- Select ‘template’ link and save the template to your computer.
- Open the saved template on your computer and populate the columns with your student data or alternatively schools may be able to extract enrolment data in this file format from your school's enrolment system.
- Save the populated template as a .csv file type.
- In SCAS, select ‘Browse’, select your .csv file and then ‘Import’.
- When the import has been completed, go to ‘Student Import History’ under the control panel menu and check to see if your import has been successful (complete).
- If not successful (incomplete), review the error message(s) description and amend your .csv file accordingly.
- Import the amended .csv file again until the errors are corrected.
- For 'SCAS import instructions and template (non-government schools only)' refer to Import instructions and template .
Step 4: Modify any applications which have changes detected
SCAS will indicate the number of applications with 'Changes detected' where applicable. Schools can view the Applications Report under the SCAS control panel to review the applications that may be excluded.
Any applications marked as having 'Changes detected' are automatically excluded in the conveyance allowance claim. Typically changes relate to residential address or transport details.
Applications with 'Changes detected' require modification where the details for a student have changed in order to check for conveyance allowance eligibility.
Action required:
- On the SCAS home page, click on the link titled: 'Number of applications with changes detected'.
- If any applications are listed, select the link to view applications which may require attention.
To reduce your search result with current applications, it is recommended that you filter your search:
- From the drop-down box ‘Open or ended applications’ select ‘Open’.
- From the drop-down ‘Application Change Detected’ select ‘Yes’. If there are no applications listed, there are no changes required.
- Select ‘Search’.
- Select ‘Application ID’ link.
- Select ‘Modify’.
- Review the changes and answer the prompts to finish the modification process.
Step 5: Submit your term claim
A claim represents one or many applications made by a school for the payment of a conveyance allowance for a given period.
There are 4 claim periods with each period corresponding to one of the 4 terms of the school year. A school must submit a claim 4 times a year: once in each claim period.
Claim period dates are found on the SCAS welcome screen control panel. Only a SCAS user with approver access can submit the claim.
Please note: A school can only submit a claim once per term. This should be done just prior to the claim period closing date as any changes or new applications cannot be added after the claim has been submitted for the term.
Action required:
- On the SCAS Home page select 'View claim.'
- Select 'Submit'.
- Tick the box to 'certify' the claim and then 'Submit claim'.
Reviewed 06 January 2025