School operations

Conveyance Allowance Program

Payments for students who reside at more than one address

A student who resides at more than one address can be assessed for eligibility from both the addresses. The School Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS) will identify a ‘primary address’ based on data entered into CASES21. Schools must provide a secondary address to Conveyance Allowance Unit (CAU).

For students who are eligible from only one of the addresses, payment will be at a pro-rata amount based on the number of days they reside at the eligible address.

For students eligible from both addresses, the school will claim a full allowance from the primary address and allocate appropriate amounts to the parents/carers.

This also applies for multi-mode allowances so that, where a student is eligible for an allowance for private car travel from one address, the allowance is only available with respect to the eligible address.

Guidance chapter on eligibility of a student residing at more than one address

Reviewed 26 May 2020

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