School operations

Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

4. Annual Implementation Plan end-of-year assessment

In Term 4, schools complete the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) end-of-year assessment in the Strategic Planning Online Tool (SPOT)External Link to reflect on the progress they have made and to identify considerations for future planning.

The end-of-year assessment includes:

  1. indicating whether 12-month AIP targets have been met
  2. indicating progress on implementing the key improvement strategies (KIS) by:
    • identifying whether actions were completed, partially completed or not completed
    • reflecting on the relationship between implementation and impact, considering whether completed actions led to the expected improvement identified in the 12-month targets, outcomes and success indicators
  3. selecting the relevant enablers and barriers
  4. identifying next steps for improvement
  5. self-evaluating against the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) 2.0 continua of practice.

More detail on each of these elements is provided below.

4.1 Examine data and indicate progress on 12-month AIP targets

Schools should examine their school performance report and other reports on Panorama, including comparing their performance to similar schools, as well as reviewing their performance over time. Schools can also use local evidence, such as formative assessment data.

Through this process, schools should examine student outcomes data across the school and for priority cohorts.

To support data discussions, schools can refer to the approach and guiding questions on page 6 of Using FISO 2.0 to plan school improvement (PDF)External Link .

Action to complete in SPOT: Identify whether each AIP target has been met.

4.2 Indicate progress on implementing the KIS

The process of reflecting on annual progress towards implementing the KIS establishes an important link between the AIP and 4-year School Strategic Plan (SSP). Reflection on progress towards the KIS can reveal insights into the implementation of AIP actions, allowing schools to identify which elements of their planning and implementation have the most impact on student outcomes. These insights help to guide schools in their future planning.

Actions to complete in SPOT: Schools indicate their progress towards each KIS by:

  • identifying whether actions were completed, partially completed or not completed
  • commenting on the relationship between implementation and impact, considering whether completed actions led to the expected improvement identified in the 12-month targets, outcomes and success indicators
  • selecting the relevant enablers and barriers.

4.3 Identify next steps for improvement

Schools identify where they will focus their efforts in the next year towards their SSP goals. These insights will inform the development of the next AIP.

Action to complete in SPOT: Provide a commentary on future planning that reflects on the school’s progress towards their 4-year goals, targets and KIS and describes areas for focus the following year.

4.4 Self-evaluate against the FISO 2.0 continua of practice

The FISO 2.0 continua of practice is a 4 point scale that is used by schools to self-evaluate their performance and practice against the 5 core elements.

To inform this self-evaluation, schools examine practice across the school by using the FISO 2.0 illustrations of practice (DOCX)External Link , before making their final self-evaluations against the continua of practice. The illustrations of practice are examples of effective practice within each dimension. They are used to diagnose areas for improvement and can be used as a benchmark against which to reflect on current practice.

Schools who have recently undergone school review can draw on their validated continua assessment when completing this step.

Completion of the self-evaluation against the continua will support schools to prioritise areas of practice for focus in the next AIP.

Action to complete in SPOT: Record a self-evaluation rating for each of the FISO 2.0 core elements. Schools can also choose to summarise and attach supporting evidence in support of these self-evaluations.

Includes information on completing the AIP end-of-year assessment in the Strategic Planning Online Tool

Reviewed 13 May 2024

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