
Risk register templates

Use the appropriate risk register template to document identified risks and existing risk management strategies (controls) and new risk management strategies (treatments).

All schools must assess their own school specific risks and fill in the register according to their own specific environment. The templates provide example risks with example of existing and new risk management strategies (controls and treatments) however these need to be reviewed or updated to suit your specific context.

Risk management framework

For more information about the overarching framework of risk management in the department, refer to the department’s Risk management framework (DOCX)External Link (staff login required) which:

  • provides a structured and consistent approach for recognising, understanding and responding to risk
  • embeds the practice and implementation of risk management as part of transparent, objective and considered decision making and strategic planning
  • assists in the delivery high quality service under a duty of care
  • supports compliance with government statutory regulations including requirements relating to occupational health and safety, emergency management and the Public Administration Act 2004 (Vic).

This Risk Management — Schools policy is a component of the department's risk management framework.

Tools to support schools undertake a risk management process

The following resources are available to support schools undertake a risk management process:

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic

Reviewed 07 June 2024

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