School operations

School-funded Capital Projects

Step 1: Planning for investment in capital or maintenance projects

Schools can contribute to existing VSBA-led building projects or invest in school-funded capital or maintenance projects.

Planning for investment in capital or maintenance projects should be proportionate to the type of project being pursued, for example, a maintenance project of existing facilities is simpler than building a new facility.

For school-funded projects that require VSBA approval (projects exceeding $100,000 including GST), schools are encouraged to speak to their regional provision planning manager. If a school wishes to contribute school-raised funds to a VSBA-led building project, they should speak to the VSBA Delivery project officer assigned to their project.

Regardless of value, all projects involving a ramp must be VSBA-led.

When schools submit their project proposal to the regional provision and planning team (Step 2), the proposal is reviewed and endorsed based on the information provided (refer to the list of required documents for assessment in Step 2).

Once the regional provision and planning manager has endorsed the project proposal it is submitted to the VSBA for assessment and approval. Once the project proposal is approved, any variations to scope or additional funding requires reassessment and reapproval.

Finally, schools must obtain school council approval of the proposal before submitting a project proposal approval form to the VSBA. Schools must upload a completed school council declaration form (using the School Council Declaration template (DOCX)External Link ) to the online project proposal approval form.

Engaging a consultant for support with project proposal development

Schools are allowed to engage a consultant to assist with preparation of the project proposal (preliminary scope of works and preliminary cost estimate only). However, schools should limit the engagement of consultants to the project proposal stage. Should the consultant contract value exceed $50,000 (including GST), schools must seek a minimum of 3 written quotes through a limited tender process, in line with the Procuring Low-Value Construction Works or Services policy.

Prior to engaging a consultant, schools are strongly encouraged to seek advice from their regional provision planning manager or the VSBA, and refer to the section on engaging a consultant under Step 2. Additionally, where a consultant is required, the VSBA recommends the selection of pre-qualified consultants from the Construction Supplier RegisterExternal Link . The VSBA Project Delivery Officer can provide advice to schools regarding consultant fees, consultant selection and recommend an appropriate VSBA Consultancy Agreement (contract).

Guidance chapter on step 1 of the approval process

Reviewed 19 June 2024

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