
An employee’s personal leave, annual leave and long service leave entitlements are determined based on the aggregate of the employee’s current service. Any approved prior service is included as service for personal leave and long service leave purposes, less the amount of personal leave or long service leave previously granted or paid in lieu.

Current service

All periods of duty, leave with pay and any approved leave without pay of 30 days or less during an employee’s current period of employment are included as service for personal leave, annual leave and long service leave purposes. In addition, leave without pay granted during an employee’s current period of employment that has been approved to count as service is included as service.

Prior service

On commencement an employee may seek to have prior service with an approved organisation recognised as service for long service leave and personal leave purposes.

Refer to the Policy and Guidelines tab for further information about the recognition of prior service for long service leave and personal leave purposes.

Relevant legislation

Contact information

Department Overview, Policy, Guidance and Resources for Recognition of Prior Service for Leave Purposes — Teaching Service

Reviewed 27 February 2025

Policy last updated

15 June 2020


  • Schools


People and Workplace Relations (Schools) Division For further contacts refer to 'Contact information' heading below

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