Policy last updated
5 December 2023
- Schools
This policy sets out the requirements for schools in relation to re-engagement programs. It only applies to programs that are delivered offsite by third-party registered training organisation (RTO) providers, for secondary school students in Years 7 to 10.
- Re-engagement programs are designed to support Victorian government secondary students in Years 7 to 10, who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from their enrolling, mainstream school.
- Re-engagement programs are delivered by third-party RTO providers, offsite from the student’s enrolling school. They do not include guest speakers, excursions or incursions.
- Re-engagement program providers are registered by either the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) or the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), and programs are designed as short-term interventions that support students to transition back to full-time, mainstream education at their enrolling school.
- A student must remain enrolled in a secondary school to access a re-engagement program.
- When a student attends a re-engagement program, a Standard 7 to 10 contract (staff login required) must be in place between the enrolling school and the re-engagement program provider.
- Both schools and providers of re-engagement programs have shared duty of care responsibilities in relation to enrolled students.
- The Guidance tab contains detailed information regarding managing students in a re-engagement program, including the referral process, contractual arrangements and the responsibilities of schools, providers and Department of Education regional staff.
Note: While re-engagement programs and Flexible Learning Options (FLOs) both offer support for students who are at risk of disengaging from education, they are distinct and separate programs. For information about how these 2 programs compare, refer to the Guidance tab.
Delivery and operation of re-engagement programs (Years 7 to 10)
Re-engagement programs offer tailored support for students in Years 7 to 10 who are disengaged, or who are at risk of disengaging, from their enrolling school. Re-engagement programs are tailored to best meet the age and stage of learning of an individual student (or group). All decisions to participate in a re-engagement program must be student-centred and in consultation with any existing allied health supports for that student.
Re-engagement programs in scope of this policy operate outside the enrolling school setting and are delivered offsite, by an RTO provider. Students must be enrolled in a secondary school to access a re-engagement program.
Further information about re-engagement programs and providers is available in the Guidance tab.
Duty of care and contractual arrangements
Schools have a duty of care for their enrolled students when they are attending a re-engagement program, regardless of the level of day-to-day oversight the school has over the re-engagement program. The providers of the re-engagement program also have a duty of care for the enrolled student.
Details of the roles and responsibilities of schools and providers, including duty of care arrangements and critical incident response requirements, must be documented and agreed upon using the responsibilities matrix in the Standard 7 to 10 contract template (staff login required). Schools can find contract templates and agreements under the Resources tab.
Detailed information on fees for re-engagement programs, contractual arrangements and roles and responsibilities can be found in the Guidance tab.
Key requirements for schools
To make a referral for a student to a re-engagement program, schools must:
- obtain the consent of the student and their parent or carer
- consult with any existing allied health professional supports to ensure the intervention is in the best interest of the student
- document the arrangement using a Standard 7 to 10 contract detailing roles and responsibilities in the responsibilities matrix, including duty of care responsibilities and a plan for the student’s transition back to the enrolling school
- complete a Contract cover sheet (staff login required), to be signed by the school principal and endorsed by the relevant department regional director
- ensure that any placement of a student supported by the Program for Students with or receiving Disability Inclusion Funding is approved by their student support group, and included as a strategy in their individual education plan – the decision about placement for a student with a disability must include consideration of any necessary adjustments to ensure their access, participation and achievement
- ensure each student has a current individual education plan to support their education and transition plan.
Enrolling government schools must:
- record students attending a re-engagement program on CASES21 using absence code 613 Re-engagement program
- if advised of a student absence from the re-engagement program on a day of scheduled attendance, record the absence on CASES21 using the appropriate code (according to the reason for the absence).
Schools and providers must maintain regular contact, including meeting at least once per school term (or more frequently as required) to discuss student learning and progress, to review the student’s individual education plan, discuss attendance and update the student’s transition plan back to their enrolling school.
The Guidance tab contains detailed information about how schools can meet these key requirements.
Related policies
- Behaviour – Students
- Community VCAL
- Disability Inclusion Funding and Support
- Duty of Care
- Flexible Learning Options
- Individual Education Plans
- Navigator Program
- Purchasing Secondary Courses and Vocational Training from External Providers
- Student Engagement
- Student Support Groups
Enquires related to re-engagement programs and re-engagement program contracts between schools and providers should be directed to the Managers – Youth Pathways and Transitions in each region.
North eastern Victoria
North western Victoria
South eastern Victoria
South western Victoria
Guidance for re-engagement programs
This guidance contains the following chapters:
- Re-engagement programs and providers
- Re-engagement programs versus flexible learning options
- Referring a student to a re-engagement program
- Duty of care, contract arrangements and program fees
- Managing students in a re-engagement program
Re-engagement programs and providers
Re-engagement programs and providers
Re-engagement programs for students in years 7 to 10 are short to medium term in length and operate outside of the enrolling school setting. They are delivered offsite by third-party providers registered with the Victoria Registrations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) or the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
Re-engagement programs should focus on re-engaging students with education and building foundational skills that are important for further education, training and employment. The aim of these programs should include building the young person’s skills and confidence, while giving them the opportunity to complete accredited studies in an alternative learning environment.
For students aged 15 and above undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) modules with re-engagement providers, these programs provide skills and knowledge that lead to a nationally recognised qualification, such as Certificate I in General Education for Adults.
All re-engagement programs for students in years 7 to 10 must:
- focus on creating a pathway back to the enrolling school (if possible), or on to further education, training or employment
- formalise the partnership between the enrolling school and the provider, using a standard 7 to 10 contract
- maintain minimum requirements for contact with the enrolling school, to track progress of the student. This includes a minimum of one meeting per school term and a documented plan for transition from the program back to the enrolling school, in the student’s individual education plan (IEP).
Each partnership between a school and a provider must utilise a Standard 7 to 10 contract (staff login required). This will be endorsed by the regional director via an accompanying cover sheet (staff login required), which is signed by the school principal. This cover sheet ensures the school has checked the re-engagement program provider is appropriately registered and compliant with the requirements of the Re-engagement Programs (Years 7 to 10) policy.
Further details on policy compliance requirements are outlined and agreed to in the standard 7 to 10 contract, to be utilised for each student enrolment.
Re-engagement programs versus flexible learning options
Re-engagement programs versus flexible learning options
Re-engagement programs and flexible learning options (FLOs) are both avenues available to support students who are at risk of disengaging from education. They are, however, separate programs that operate in different ways. While re-engagement programs are contracted to third-party registered training organisation (RTO) providers, FLOs are delivered by government school entities. See below for further differences between these 2 initiatives.
Re-engagement programs
Re-engagement programs are provided by third-party RTO providers to students in years 7 to 10 only, and are delivered offsite from the student’s enrolling school. Programs are designed to re-engage students back into their enrolling school. A Standard 7 to 10 contract (staff login required) must be in place between the enrolling school and the provider for the duration of the program.
FLOs are delivered in government school settings to both primary and secondary school students and adhere to the Victorian F–10 Curriculum. There are 3 different types of FLO settings:
- Flexible learning government school: an accredited, registered school offering a flexible, individualised curriculum to all its students.
- Flexible learning campus: a learning setting or program that is delivered at a standalone, registered campus of a Victorian government school.
- Flexible in-school program: a learning program delivered within the host school, that may be in partnership with external providers. These programs are incorporated into the students’ existing learning program and remain onsite at the school.
Refer to the Flexible Learning Options Policy for detailed information about the operation and delivery of FLOs in Victorian government schools, including the online referral process.
Referring a student to a re-engagement program
Referring a student to a re-engagement program
Re-engagement program providers may use their own referral forms that enrolling schools can complete. These should include the information outlined below, as a minimum. Referrals to re-engagement programs must be clearly documented and be done in consultation with the student and their parent or carer.
Referring a student who is enrolled in school
A referral to a re-engagement program is only appropriate where:
- a school has identified a student who has disengaged or is at risk of disengaging from education
- a school has previously put in place a range of strategies to support the student to improve engagement in the school setting
- these strategies have not been successful in re-engaging the student in the school setting.
If these conditions have been met, the enrolling school may refer the student to a re-engagement program, following these steps:
- Discuss the option of a re-engagement program, including what it will involve, with the student and their parent or carer, and obtain their consent to make a referral.
- If applicable, consult with the student’s existing allied health and wellbeing supports, to determine the appropriateness of a re-engagement program for the student’s needs.
- Liaise with the re-engagement program provider regarding the potential referral, to discuss suitability for the individual student, likely length of placement, the program’s capacity to accept a new referral, and any specific referral information required, including existing supports or services for the student, or any disability access requirements.
- It is recommended the school reach out to the local regional office to discuss the potential enrolment and ensure there are no apparent barriers or concerns regarding this course of action.
- With approval from the enrolling school’s principal, complete a written referral for the re-engagement program provider (using a referral form obtained from the provider, if applicable). This should be done collaboratively with the student and their parent or carer, and be accompanied by any relevant additional documentation, such as existing needs assessments or individual education plans.
- In making a referral, schools must include:
- the student’s risks, needs, goals, and strengths (this should include both the school’s and student’s perspectives)
- the student’s educational history
- the specific learning, social and/or behavioural outcomes sought from the placement in a re-engagement program
- details of previous strategies which the school and other services have implemented to maintain engagement in a school setting
- any school-based and/or external agencies currently supporting the student and relevant information regarding these support relationships
- the name and role of a contact person at the enrolling school, who will liaise with the re-engagement program regarding the student’s participation, attendance, progress, learning and outcomes
- written consent from the student and their parent or carer for the referral, including permission for the disclosure of any personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
- In making a referral, schools must ensure any placement of a student supported by the Program for Students with or Disability Inclusion Funding is approved by their student support group. The student should continue to receive any existing supports, and these supports should be included in their individual education plan. The decision about placement for a student with disability in a re-engagement program must include consideration of any necessary adjustments for their access, participation and achievement.
Referring a child or young person who is not enrolled in school
The student’s parent or carer or a support worker should first discuss options for enrolment and engagement back into a school with:
- the student’s previous school
- the student’s local neighbourhood government school (where the previous school is not identified, interstate or not within reasonable distance of the student’s current residence).
If the enrolment is accepted and it is determined that a re-engagement program is the best option for the student, the referral process outlined above must be followed, as for all enrolled students.
If this approach is not successful, the student, their parent or carer or support worker should contact the closest department regional office for support (locate contacts in the Re-engagement Programs Policy tab).
Duty of care, contract arrangements, program fees
Duty of care, contract arrangements, program fees
Duty of care
When a student attends a re-engagement program, the enrolling school retains duty of care for the student. The re-engagement provider also holds duty of care for the students enrolled in their program.
Often, the school will have little or no capacity to oversee the day-to-day running of a re-engagement program. In some instances, a student may also only be attending the re-engagement program part-time, and not attending any education setting when they are not at the re-engagement program. In these cases, a modified timetable should be utilised and signed off by the enrolling school principal.
Both schools and providers are subject to Ministerial Order No. 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the risk of child abuse in schools and school boarding premises (MO 1359). If there is a critical incident during the student’s attendance at a re-engagement program, both the school and the provider need to discharge their duty of care requirements as per MO 1359 and the department’s Child Safe Standards, including mandatory reporting and response requirements.
In all instances, duty of care arrangements must be clearly articulated and agreed upon by the enrolling school and the provider and documented in the responsibilities matrix within the Standard 7 to 10 contract (staff login required).
Contract arrangements
When a student decides to attend a re-engagement program, the arrangement must be formalised between the school and the provider, via a Standard 7 to 10 contract (staff login required) and a Contract cover sheet (staff login required).
The cover sheet includes a provider registration and program accreditation check for the school to complete, and is endorsed by the regional director. Checking appropriate registration ensures the provider complies with appropriate staffing qualifications, program facilities and resources and appropriate use of funding. The provider will also supply evidence of these to the school upon request, and the enrolling school principal will sign off on the cover sheet registration check.
The cover sheet also allows for confidential information collection of student enrolments for the department, to ensure appropriate department oversight of student movements and monitoring of vulnerable and priority cohorts.
A standard 7 to 10 contract must also be in place between the school and the re-engagement provider, for each student attending a re-engagement program. This contract will document the roles and responsibilities of each party in the responsibilities matrix (including duty of care arrangements), and the funding arrangements that are in place. The contract must be agreed upon and signed by the school principal and the provider.
Before finalising the contract, an unsigned copy, along with the contract cover sheet attachment, must be emailed to the Manager – Youth Pathways and Transitions (MYPAT) in the relevant regional office for final review and endorsement by the regional director. A final copy of the executed agreement must be provided to all signing parties, as well as the department regional team.
While the enrolment process is being completed by schools, providers and the department, schools continue to have a duty of care to the student which includes continuing efforts to engage the student with their education, and to ensure no gap in student support during the administrative process.
If subsequent students from a school are to attend a re-engagement program that has already been endorsed by the regional director previously, a contract variation (detailed in the standard 7 to 10 contract template) must be submitted to the regional office, along with an updated cover sheet with new student details. The regional director will then endorse the addition of these students to the partnership agreement, before the school and provider sign off on the agreement variation.
During the contract period, if the school has any concerns that the re-engagement provider is not meeting its obligations under the contract, the school should contact the regional office for advice.
The standard 7 to 10 contract and cover sheet templates can be located on the Resources tab.
Re-engagement program placement fees
When a student is enrolled in a re-engagement program, existing student funding must be used to purchase the program. This funding includes the Student Resource Package (SRP) allocation for the student, as negotiated between the school and provider, adhering to the placement fees as advised below. Parents or carers must not be required to provide any additional funding to cover the costs of the re-engagement program.
Any other funding attached to the student must also be transferred, to ensure the student continues to receive the full benefits to which they are entitled. This may include (but is not limited to):
- the Program for Students with Disability
- Disability Inclusion funding
- English as an Additional Language funding
- Career Education funding
- Camps, Sports and Excursions funding.
All funding arrangements must be documented clearly in the Standard 7 to 10 contract (staff login required) between the school and the provider and reviewed and endorsed via the Contract cover sheet (staff login required), by the relevant regional office.
Placement fees 2024
Fees for re-engagement programs are updated annually on this policy site under the Guidance tab. The fees for the 2024 school year for secondary students in years 7 to 10 are:
- 2024 daily rate: $45.44
- 2024 weekly rate: $227.20
- 2024 annual rate: $9,088
Managing students in re-engagement programs
Managing students in re-engagement programs
Re-engagement program providers must regularly record and report attendance arrangements to the student’s enrolling school. The enrolling school must record student attendance in CASES21 under ‘613 Re-engagement Program’.
Recording and reporting attendance
Re-engagement providers must:
- keep an attendance roll at least twice daily of attendance and absence, in line with requirements for all schools
- report attendance to the school on at least a weekly basis
- report any student absences to the enrolling school on the same day, including the reason for the absence.
Enrolling schools must:
- record students attending a re-engagement program on CASES21 using absence code '613 Re-engagement program'
- if advised of a student absence from re-engagement program on a day of scheduled attendance, record the absence on CASES21 using the appropriate code, according to the reason for the absence
- regularly check in with the provider on the student’s attendance progress as needed
- discuss attendance strategies at quarterly IEP meetings.
Policy compliance and responsibilities
In order to allow a student to participate in a re-engagement program offsite with a provider, the enrolling school must take reasonable steps to ensure that the policies and procedures of the department and school are being adhered to by the provider, for example the department’s policies in the Policy and Advisory Library (PAL) relating to:
- enrolment
- duty of care
- supervision (onsite and online if applicable)
- excursions
- attendance
- child safe standards
- maintenance of records and reporting.
These policies are referenced in the standard 7 to 10 contract template, and details of specific roles and responsibilities related to these policy requirements are agreed by the school and the provider in the contract’s responsibilities matrix. The cover sheet and standard 7 to 10 contract templates are available in the Resources tab.
School oversight of students
Schools and re-engagement providers should maintain regular contact regarding the enrolled student. At a minimum, this includes meeting once per term to discuss:
- attendance at the program, including strategies to address non-attendance
- progression of the student’s individual education plan
- progression of the student’s transition plan back to mainstream education.
Manager – Youth Pathways and Transitions obligations and responsibilities for re-engagement programs
- Be a key contact and support for schools regarding all issues with re-engagement programs
- Provide guidance and support to schools when deciding to enter a partnership with a re-engagement provider
- Review the standard 7 to 10 contract, including the funding levels and any additional funding streams proposed by the school
- Support schools to seek regional director endorsement via the contract cover sheet
- Escalate issues and concerns to the regional director as required
- Escalate any non-compliance issues to Schools and Regional Services to determine best course of action
Regional Director obligations and responsibilities for re-engagement programs
- Review and endorse re-engagement program partnerships via the contract cover sheet, based on advice from the Manager – Youth Pathways and Transitions
- Be a point of escalation for contractual disputes
- A Standard 7 to 10 contract (staff login required) is to be used by schools for enrolling years 7 to 10 students in re-engagement programs. The contract template includes a responsibilities matrix, to outline the roles and responsibilities of the school and the provider. All students attending a re-engagement program must have a standard 7 to 10 contract in place between the school and the provider.
- Accompanying the standard 7 to 10 contract is a new Contract cover sheet (staff login required) that must be signed by the enrolling school principal and endorsed by the regional director. This cover sheet includes a provider registration check to be completed by the school.
- Fact sheet: Re-engagement Programs (Years 7 to 10) – this fact sheet resource provides an overview of processes and requirements for schools, providers, students and their parents or carers, for accessing Re-engagement Programs.
Reviewed 27 April 2023