School operations

Family Violence Support

1. Family violence and the MARAM framework

Family violence defined

The Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic) defines family violence as behaviour towards a family member where the behaviour:

  • is physically or sexually abusive
  • is emotionally or psychologically abusive
  • is economically abusive
  • is threatening or coercive
  • in any other way controls or dominates the family member and causes that family member to feel fear for the safety or wellbeing of that family member or another person.

A child can be the victim to any of these behaviours.

Family violence includes any behaviour by a family member that causes a child to hear or witness, or otherwise be exposed to the effects of family violence, including violence between adults and/or adolescents in the home. Coercive and controlling behaviours are common across all experiences of victim-survivors.

These behaviours add up to a pattern of abuse and violence which build and maintain fear of escalation to physical and sexual violence.

MARAM summary

The Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM)External Link is a framework describing best practice for family violence risk assessment and management, based on current evidence and research. There are 10 responsibilities underpinning MARAM. The responsibilities are shared across the service system to support consistent and collaborative practice.

Under MARAM, schools have 6 responsibilities relating to ‘identification and screening’. These are:

  • Responsibility 1: Respectful, sensitive and safe engagement
  • Responsibility 2: Identification of family violence
  • Responsibility 5: Seek consultation for comprehensive risk assessment, risk management and referrals
  • Responsibility 6: Contribute to information sharing with other services (as authorised by legislation) (this includes FVISS and can also include CISS)
  • Responsibility 9: Contribute to coordinated risk management
  • Responsibility 10: Collaborate for ongoing risk assessment and risk management.

School staff are not required to undertake Responsibilities 3 and 4: Intermediate Risk Assessment and Management, and Responsibilities 7 and 8: Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Comprehensive Risk Management and Safety Planning. These responsibilities are undertaken by other services, including Child Protection, family violence specialist services and Victoria Police.

How MARAM and PROTECT align

Following the PROTECT Four Critical ActionsExternal Link will help school staff to meet their MARAM responsibilities.

Action 1: Respond to an emergency

By responding to an emergencyExternal Link , school staff are contributing to the school’s MARAM responsibility to create a respectful, sensitive and safe environment for people experiencing family violence. This includes prioritising the immediate health and safety of victim survivors and responding to disclosures sensitively.

Action 2: Report to authorities or refer to specialist services

By reporting to authoritiesExternal Link such as Victoria Police and DFFH Child Protection and referring to the Orange Door or specialist family violence services, school staff are contributing to the school’s MARAM responsibilities to identify family violence, make referrals, and share information.

Any staff member can use the Family violence identification tool (DOCX)External Link to record observable signs of trauma that may indicate family violenceExternal Link , evidence-based risk factorsExternal Link and observed narrativesExternal Link (for example, statements or stories) and behaviours that may indicate an adult is using family violence.

Nominated staff can use the Family violence screening tool (DOCX)External Link to ask screening questions, determine actions required to support victim survivors and record changes in circumstances.

Action 3: Contact parents/carers

By contacting parents or carersExternal Link (if safe, reasonable and appropriate to do so) about referrals to specialist family violence services, school staff are contributing to the school’s MARAM responsibilities to share information and make referrals.

Nominated staff have been authorised by leadership to share information under the Child and Family Violence Information Sharing Schemes. This includes seeking the views and wishes of children and their families about information sharing.

Action 4: Provide ongoing support

By providing ongoing supportExternal Link , school staff are contributing to the school’s MARAM responsibilities for coordinated risk management and collaborating for ongoing risk assessment and management.

Nominated staff can complete the Family violence basic safety plan (DOCX)External Link for a child or young person (or adult victim survivor if safe, reasonable and appropriate) after forming a reasonable belief that they are experiencing family violence. They may contribute to the plan to keep the child or young person safe, such as by being one of their staff contacts.

Nominated staff can also refer the child, young person or their family to specialist family violence services. Schools and services can share information with other Information Sharing Entities at any time to ensure the ongoing safety and wellbeing of the child or young person and their family.

Please note: Mandatory reporting, duty of care and Child Safe Standards requirements must be followed as outlined in the Protecting Children – Reporting and Other Legal Obligations policy. By itself, making a mandatory report does not acquit a school’s obligations under MARAM. School staff should also refer to their school’s Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures.

Includes a definition of family violence, a summary of MARAM, and information on how MARAM and PROTECT align

Reviewed 10 September 2024

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