4. Endorsement and attestation
Following principal attestation, the draft Annual Report must be downloaded from SPOT and taken to a meeting of the school council for endorsement, with this endorsement noted in the meeting minutes.
The school council may request updates to the Annual Report. In this case, it is recommended that it is motioned and noted in the meeting minutes that the Annual Report has been endorsed by the school council, pending the requested changes. This enables the Annual Report to be finalised without having to be taken back to a subsequent school council meeting for endorsement.
At this meeting, the school council are encouraged to identify a time to hold the public reporting meeting to share the final Annual Report with the community, and organise responsibility for publicising this meeting. It is recommended that the public reporting meeting takes place at the start of Term 3.
By attesting the Annual Report, the principal attests that:
- all teachers at the school meet the registration requirements of the Victorian Institute of Teaching
- the school meets prescribed Minimum Standards for registration as regulated by the Victorian Regulation and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) in accordance with the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (this includes any exemption granted to this school by the VRQA, for the most recent calendar year, in relation to minimum student enrolment numbers and/or the curriculum framework requirement to deliver a languages program)
- the school meets the requirements of the Child Safe Standards as prescribed in Ministerial Order 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the risk of child abuse in schools .
Note: Principals of schools that are not compliant with the Minimum Standards or Child Safe Standards cannot attest to the Annual Report. Schools that have received advice they are not compliant, or are concerned that this may be the case, must contact the department’s School Compliance Unit for support, by phone: 03 9084 8788 or email: school.compliance@education.vic.gov.au
As executive officer of the school council, the principal attests that the 2024 Annual Report to the School Community:
- has been tabled and endorsed at a meeting of the school council under the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017
- will be publicly shared with the school community.
How to attest in SPOT
Principals should follow the steps outlined below to attest the Annual Report in :
- log on to SPOT
- on the school homepage, under ‘Annual Report to the School Community’, select the latest year from the drop-down box and click ‘Manage Annual Report’
- navigate to the ‘Attest and view report’ tab
- attest the Annual Report by clicking the ‘Attest Annual Report’ button.
Making changes to the Annual Report after attestation
If, for any reason, changes to the Annual Report are required after principal attestation, principals must follow the steps outlined below:
- click the ‘Edit About our school commentary’ button under the ‘Attest and view report’ tab in SPOT to revert the Annual Report to draft
- make any adjustments required in the ‘About our school’ tab
- re-attest the Annual Report, once the required changes have been made
- share changes with the school council, if required.
Reviewed 22 January 2025