School operations

Teaching with Animals

Amendments to a VSAEC approved activity

Approved teaching with animals activities must be delivered as described in the Victorian Schools Animal Ethics Committee (VSAEC) application form.

If a school wishes to deliver their activity differently, they will need approval from VSAEC before implementing this change.

Examples of changes that require VSAEC approval include:

  • increasing or decreasing the total number of animals approved for use in the activity
  • adding or replacing staff on the activity
  • making changes to a procedure or protocol currently approved
  • extending the activity’s duration
  • any other changes.

The Activity amendment form is reviewed by VSAEC at committee meetings. Requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks before a VSAEC meeting. For information on meeting dates and process, refer to: Applying to VSAEC for approval to teach with animals.

To access a copy of the project amendment form, schools can contact the VSAEC Secretariat via

Includes information on applying to VSAEC to amend an approved teaching with animals activity

Reviewed 11 June 2024

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