School operations

Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention

1. Ongoing management of slips, trips and falls prevention

The slips, trips and falls prevention policy are part of the broader approach to managing health, safety and wellbeing in schools.

To effectively manage slips, trips and falls as part of an ongoing health, safety and wellbeing (HSW) management approach, principals and/or their delegates must:

  • consult on slips, trips and falls risks and incidents, by implementing the HSW Consultation and Communication policy to ensure effective systems are in place, including regular communication forums
  • document relevant slips, trips and falls risks and controls within their OHS Risk Register, by implementing the OHS Risk Management policy to ensure effective monitoring and reviewing processes are in place, including workplace inspections, risk assessments and maintenance of the risk register. These documents must be retained in accordance with the Records Management – School Records policy
  • regularly monitor and review slips, trips and falls risks and controls by implementing the OHS Planning policy, including activities in the OHS Activities Calendar
  • manage slips, trips and falls hazards and incidents, including through eduSafe Plus, by implementing the Managing and Reporting School Incidents (including emergencies) policy
  • ensure that all staff have completed the mandatory eLearning module on Learn Ed. This must be completed as part of the employee’s induction and recommended to be refreshed every 2 years.

All employees must support ongoing prevention and safety management of slips, trips and falls through:

  • the reporting of hazards, risks and incidents in the workplace using eduSafe PlusExternal Link (staff login required)
  • completing the mandatory eLearning module available on LearnEd (search ‘slips, trips and falls’) as specified above.
Includes information on the ongoing management of slips, trips and falls prevention

Reviewed 15 January 2023

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