3 Implement controls

The principal and/or their delegate, in consultation with Health and Safety Representatives and employees are to identify, implement and record risk controls to manage prevention of falls in the OHS risk register (XLSX)External Link using the Hierarchy of Controls. Examples include:

  1. Elimination — design or modify the work environment, tools and (or) tasks so work can be performed from the ground or solid construction
  2. Substitution — install passive fall protection, for example, elevating work platform, scaffolding, or guard railing
  3. Engineering — use of a work positioning system, for example, anchor points or travel restraint system or shoring, benching the sides of the excavation site
  4. Administration — develop and provide training in Safe Work Procedure for employees and display ‘No Entry’ warning signs where contractors are working
  5. Personal Protective Equipment — fall arrest system, for example, safety harness system

Note: Before using ladders, the above Hierarchy of Controls must be considered.

Chapter 3 of the Prevention of Falls when Working from Heights Procedure on implementing controls to manage prevention of falls

Reviewed 30 April 2024

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