Relevant research
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership, 2012, ‘Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders’, Melbourne
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership, 2012, ‘Australian Teacher Performance and Development Approach’, Melbourne
Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership, 2011, ‘Australian Professional Standard for Teachers’, Melbourne
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2011, ‘Learning About Teaching: Initial Findings from the Measures of Effective Teaching Project’, Virginia
Cahill, H. and Freeman, E., 2007, Chapter 7, ‘Creating school environments that promote social and emotional wellbeing’, in Keeffe, M. and Carrington, S. (eds.), Schools and diversity, 2nd ed., Pearson Education Australia. pp. 90–107
Darling-Hammond, L., 2012, ‘Creating a comprehensive system for evaluation and supporting effective teaching’, Stanford, CA: Stanford Centre for Opportunity Policy in Education
Darling-Hammond, L., 2013, ‘Getting Teacher Evaluation Right: What really matters for effectiveness and improvement’, New York: Teachers College Press
Dinham, S., 2012, 'Our Asian schooling infatuation: the problem with PISA envy', The Conversation, 14 September
Dinham, S., Ingvarson, L. and Kleinhenz, E., 2008, ‘Investing in Teacher Quality: Doing What Matters Most’, in Teaching Talent: The Best Teachers for Australia’s Classrooms, Melbourne: Business Council of Australia
Department of Education and Training, 2007, ‘The Developmental Learning Approach for School Leaders’, Victoria
Dufour, R. and Marzano, R., 2011, ‘Leaders of Learning: How District, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement’, Solution Tree Press: Bloomington, USA
Elmore, R., 2007, ‘Education Improvement in Victoria’, Paper commissioned by the Office for Government School Education, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Fullan, M., 2016 ,’Indelible Leadership: Always Leave Them Learning’, Corwin Press: London
Godinho, S., 2010, ‘Planning for Practice: connecting pedagogy, assessment and curriculum’ in Churchill, R. et al. (Eds). Teaching, Making a Difference, John Wiley and Sons Australia, pp. 196–235
Griffin, P., 2008, ‘Developmental Models: Writing Quality Criteria for Rubrics’, Assessment Research Centre: The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, unpublished paper
Hargreaves, A. and Fullan, M., 2012, ‘Professional Capital, Transforming Teaching in Every School’, Teachers College Press: Columbia University, New York
Hattie, J. 2003, ‘Teachers make a difference: What is the research evidence?’ Paper presented at ACER Research Conference, pp. 19 -21 October, Melbourne
Hattie, J. 2009, ‘Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement’, Abingdon: Routledge, United Kingdom
Hattie, J. and Timperley, H. 2007, ‘The Power of Feedback’, Review of Educational Research, Vol. 77, No. 1
Hay Group, 2012, ‘Growing our potential: Hay Group’s view on implementing an effective performance improvement and development approach for teachers’
Hord, S. 2008, ‘Evolution of the Professional Learning Community’, Journal of Staff Development; Summer 2008, 3, pages 10 –13
Jensen, B. 2011, ‘Better Teacher Appraisal and Feedback: Improving Performance’
Jensen, B., Sonnemann, J., Roberts-Hull, K., Hunter, A. 2016 ‘Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems’, Washington, DC: National Center on Education and the Economy
Leithwood, K., 2012, ‘The Ontario Leadership Approach 2012: with a discussion of the research foundations’
McGaw, B., 2008, ‘The role of the OECD in international comparative studies of achievement’, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 15(3), pp. 223–243
Moyle, K., 2016, ‘Using data, conversations and observations for school improvement’ Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne
Quinn, J. and Fullan, M., 2015, ‘Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems, Corwin Press: London
Reeves, A.R., 2011, ‘Where great teaching begins: Planning for student thinking and learning, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’, Alexandria, VA. pp. 7–14
Timperley, H. 2008, Teacher professional learning and development, Educational Practices Series–18, International Bureau of Education, UNESCO
Timperley, H. 2011, 'Using student assessment for professional learning: focusing on students’ outcomes to identify teachers’ ', Paper no. 21
Victorian Auditor-General’s Office, 2010, ‘Managing Teacher Performance in Government ’
Wiggins, G., 2011, ‘The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’, Alexandria, VA. Module B, pp. 13–33
Reviewed 07 February 2025