Parents’ club constitution and operational requirements
The parents’ club constitution sets out the parents' club's procedures and other requirements, including membership, election of office bearers, meetings, voting requirements, records management, finance, conflict of interest and privacy requirements. For the model constitution refer to Model Parents’ Club Constitution .
Inactive clubs
Advice on how the 2019 model constitution impacts the running of the club can be found in the Guide to the 2019 Model Parents’ Club constitution .
In circumstances where a parents’ club is unable to function for an extended period of time, the club may nominate to go into recession and suspend its activities for a period, providing it has not been dissolved as per the Regulations. Once reactivated, the club is not required to undertake the formation process, however it must ensure it has adopted the current constitution as published by the secretary.
Updating the constitution
New versions of the model constitution are published from time to time, so parents’ clubs are encouraged to review their constitution annually, and when required, update their constitution to ensure consistency with the current model.
A parents’ club may adopt a new model constitution by vote at its annual general meeting or at a general meeting. Parents’ clubs will be notified of updates to the model constitution via the department communications to schools (through the school's principal) or the department’s website, including the Policy and Advisory Library.
Minor changes may be made to the constitution. Any minor proposed changes to the constitution should be circulated to members one month prior to the meeting the changes will be voted on. Should the club wish to change its name or the month of the annual general meeting as stated in the constitution, this change should be voted on at the annual general meeting or a general meeting.
This should be minuted and kept as part of the club’s records.
Following endorsement at the annual general meeting or general meeting, all changes to the constitution must be forwarded to the department for approval by the minister (or delegate) by email to:
Reviewed 07 June 2024