School operations

Languages Education

Complementary language providers

Out-of-school-hours programs offering language teaching at F-10 levels for students who cannot access the language of their choice in their mainstream school. F-10 language studies offered by complementary providers outside school hours do not replace mainstream school language provision and offerings during the week. A number of complementary language providers are also registered as a VCE single study language provider. Students can access VCE language studies through these providers.

Victorian School of Languages (VSL)

The Victorian School of Languages (VSL)External Link is a specialist government school that offers language programs in over 50 languages to students from year 1 to year 12 who do not have access to the study of those languages in their mainstream schools.

The VSL offers:

Face to face classes

Face to face classes are offered in over 40 VSL centres throughout the metropolitan area and regional Victoria. These classes are held mainly on Saturday mornings. Some classes are run on weekday evenings. For more information, including enrolment criteria, visit VSL Face to Face ClassesExternal Link .

Distance Education

Distance Education courses are available for students in Years 5 to 12. For more information, including enrolment criteria, visit VSL Distance EducationExternal Link .

Applied Language Programs

The VSL is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), through the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), which is able to deliver the following nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate courses:

  • Certificate II in Applied Language
  • Certificate III in Applied Language
  • VET programs in Chinese, French and Spanish
  • VETiS – VET in Schools Programs

For more information, visit VSL VET Language ProgramsExternal Link .

Community Language Schools (CLS)

Community language schools (CLS)External Link are community-based, not-for-profit organisations that provide language programs in over 40 languages to school aged children on weekends or after school.

Guidance chapter on complementary language providers

Reviewed 27 March 2024

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