School operations

First Aid for Students and Staff

Staff first aid training

The principal or their delegate must ensure that all staff:

  • are familiar with the school’s first aid procedures
  • provide first aid treatment within the limits of their skill, expertise, training and responsibilities in order to discharge their duty of care.

The principal or their delegate in consultation with their health and safety representative and staff must ensure:

  • they have established workplace first aid requirements, based on the First Aid Risk Assessment (DOCX)External Link , for example, appropriate number(s) of first aid officer(s), first aid kits
  • there is always a first aid officer who:
    • can assist an ill or injured person, and
    • has current qualifications covering all the school’s first aid requirements. First Aid Officers must have completed a recognised first aid training course that meets the requirements of HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid (Release 1) and HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Release 1). Basic First Aid training (HLTAID011) must be completed every 3 years, while a refresher course in CPR (HLTAID009) must be completed annually.
  • relevant staff receive additional training, where required, to meet student health needs. These may include training for anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes management or extra training to cover excursions, specific educational programs or activities.

The need for first aid training varies at each school. If a particular position requires the staff member to have first aid training, this should be reflected in the position description (for example, outdoor education teacher).

The table below provides an overview of the minimum amount of staff that must be first aid trained, based on the number of staff and students at the school:

Number of staff and studentsFirst aid officers required*
Less than 501
50 to 1992
200 to 3994
400 to 5996
600 to 7998
800 to 99910
>100010 plus 1 first aid officer for every additional 100 staff and students
Where access is limited to medical and ambulance services
(for example, remote workplaces, school field excursions etc.)
2 additional first aid officers for every category

*The minimum acceptable level of training is HLTAID011 Provide First Aid.

When managing open wounds or blood spills, first aid officers must implement controls specified in the Blood Spills and Open Wounds — Management Policy.

Records of first aid training are to be kept and maintained as per the requirements of the OHS Induction and Training Policy.

The Department’s OHS Advisory Service can be contacted on 1300 074 715 for further information on first aid training.

Chapter in the First Aid for Students and Staff Guidelines outlining staff first aid training requirements

Reviewed 06 June 2024

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