School operations

First Aid for Students and Staff

First Aid Risk Assessment

The principal or their delegate must assess the first aid requirements of the workplace by completing a First Aid Risk Assessment (DOCX)External Link in consultation with the Health and Safety Representative (HSR) and (or) first aid officer(s). The assessment is to include:

  • size and layout of the school
  • high risk areas (technology, food technology, science)
  • number of campuses
  • the number of staff and students in the school
  • the nature of hazards
  • the previous incidents and injuries
  • authorised after-hours programs
  • the nature and location of regular school excursions and camps school leased or owned vehicles
  • location of the school (for example, proximity to medical facilities).
Chapter in the First Aid for Students and Staff Guidelines on assessing first aid requirements in schools

Reviewed 06 June 2024

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