School operations

First Aid for Students and Staff

Automatic external defibrillators

Automatic external defibrillators (AED) are not normally required in first aid kits or first aid room supplies. The principal or their delegate, in consultation with their HSR and first aid officer(s), may determine that an AED be included as part of the first aid provision, particularly where the First Aid Risk Assessment (DOCX)External Link indicates circumstances where life-threatening injuries could result and timely access to emergency services cannot be assured. Prospective AED operators should be trained in their correct use. As a guide, refresher training is required every twelve months. AED function, batteries and pads should be checked monthly and after each use.

Further information can be found in the 'Guidelines for the purchase and use of automated external defibrillators' in the Resources tab.

Chapter in the First Aid for Students and Staff Guidelines on assessing the need to automatic external defibrillators in first aid kits or first aid rooms

Reviewed 06 June 2024

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