First aid kits

The principal or their delegate must:

  • maintain at least 1 major first aid kit in the sick bay or first aid room
  • maintain at least 1 portable first aid kit for excursions or yard duty
  • store any medications separately from the first aid kit including any prescribed or non-prescribed medication provided by a student’s parent or carer

The principal and / or their delegate in consultation with health and safety representatives and first aid officer(s) are responsible for determining what items should be included in their first aid kit based on the needs of their school community. This includes the number of first aid kits and their contents as identified in the First Aid Risk Assessment (DOCX)External Link , including:

  • the number of staff and students
  • the nature of the activities being undertaken
  • the location of excursions and the activities to be undertaken

The table below provides an overview of the minimum number of first aid facilities (rooms or sick bays and kits) that schools are required to have, based on the number of staff and students at the school.

Number of staff and studentsFirst aid facilities required
Less than 501 first aid kit
50 to 1994 first aid kits
200 to 3996 first aid kits
400 to 5998 first aid kits
600 to 79910 first aid kits and a first aid room with a bed and stretcher
800 to 99912 first aid kits (including specific 'type of incident' treatment) and a first aid room with a bed and stretcher
More than 100012 plus 1 kit for every additional 100 staff and students
A first aid room with a bed and stretcher
Where access is limited to medical and ambulance services (for example, remote workplaces, school field excursions)2 additional first aid kits for every category

Ambulance Victoria recommends portable first aid kits should include:

  • first aid manual of a smaller size, (specialised if possible to the activities being undertaken) such as Emergency First Aid: A Quick GuideExternal Link , available from St John Ambulance Australia
  • a copy of the Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (PDF)External Link
  • two pairs of single use nitrile gloves
  • sterile saline sachets or ampoules for irrigating eyes and minor wounds
  • gauze and band aids
  • a resuscitation face mask
  • a device to call for assistance such as mobile phone, cordless phone, or two way radio (where possible)

Schools can refer to the First aid kit contents checklist (DOCX)External Link for suggested contents for a number of different types of kits including:

  • standard first aid kits for schools
  • technology and design kit
  • excursion kit
  • yard duty kit
  • blood/body fluid spill kit.
Chapter in the First Aid for Students and Staff Guidelines outlining requirements for the number, storage and content of first aid kits

Reviewed 06 June 2024

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