
Applications for vacancies

The expectation is that excess employees will actively monitor vacancies that are advertised on School Jobs Vic and make application for any suitable vacancy to maximise their redeployment prospects. In addition, the redeployment and career transition provider will monitor vacancies and, where the provider becomes aware of a vacancy through advertisement or otherwise it considers would be suitable for an excess employee, the provider will consult the excess employee about that vacancy.

Excess employees are guaranteed an interview for any vacancy at or below their classification and salary range for which they are an applicant. Excess employees are not precluded from applying for vacancies at a higher classification and salary range. However in these cases, the excess employee is not guaranteed an interview and will be considered in accordance with the selection procedures set out in the Recruitment in Schools guide.

In making an application for a vacancy, excess employees are strongly encouraged to provide a full response to the selection criteria through School Jobs Vic. Applications for advertised vacancies must be lodged no later than the advertised closing date for the vacancy unless the principal of the school with the vacancy elects to accept a late application in accordance with the selection procedures set out in the Recruitment in Schools guide.

Consideration of excess staff

An excess employee who is an applicant for an advertised vacancy at or below their classification and salary range must be interviewed and will be considered on merit against other applicants in accordance with the selection procedures set out in the Recruitment in Schools Guide.

Whilst excess employees are encouraged to provide a full response to the selection criteria for any vacancy for which they are an applicant, they may choose to submit a written statement regarding suitability or a curriculum vitae. In assessing the excess employee’s ability, capacity and suitability the selection panel must consider any information provided by the employee. Where an excess employee does not provide a response to the selection criteria, the selection panel must assess the person against the selection criteria using whatever information is available.

The selection panel may seek comments from referees nominated by the excess employee (if any). The selection panel may wish to contact persons other than nominated referees to assist in assessing the employee’s ability, capacity and suitability for a position provided that the employee is advised of these extended inquiries prior to contacting a person(s) not nominated as a referee. In such instances, the employee is to be informed of the name of any person the selection panel intends to contact and provided with an opportunity to comment.

Where an excess employee is not selected for a vacancy, the employee may seek access to their individual selection report to assist both the employee and the redeployment and career transition provider to identify areas of strength and weakness in order to improve the employee’s potential for redeployment.

Where an excess employee declines a reasonable offer of redeployment (i.e. transfer to an ongoing position), the principal of that school is to inform Workplace Relations of the outcome via

Redeployment (permanent transfer)

An excess employee who is selected for a vacancy of longer than 12 months duration (or in the case of a parental absence replacement where the replacement continues beyond 12 months) must be offered redeployment to the position as advertised and given 10 working days to accept or reject the offer. If the excess employee accepts the offer, the employee will be permanently transferred to that school and cease to be an excess employee.

An employee who accepts redeployment to a vacancy at or below their substantive classification level is permanently transferred to that position on the same terms and conditions that would have applied had that transfer not been a redeployment. Salary on redeployment to a lower classified position (including redeployment to a lower salary range within the same classification) is determined in accordance with the salary on transfer policy that would have applied had that transfer not been a redeployment.

An excess leading teacher or learning specialist whose salary is reduced on redeployment to a lower classification level will receive an allowance to maintain the salary received by the leading teacher or learning specialist immediately prior to the redeployment. This allowance will be paid from the date of the redeployment until 12 months following the date the leading teacher or learning specialist was identified as excess irrespective of that person's tenure as a leading teacher or learning specialist. Should the redeployment to a lower classification level occur more than 12 months after the leading teacher or learning specialist was identified as excess, no allowance will be paid.

Where an excess employee’s temporary placement at a particular school extends beyond 12 months, as a result of an advertised vacancy or otherwise, the excess employee must be offered redeployment to the position and given 10 working days to accept or reject the offer. If the excess employee accepts the offer, they will be permanently transferred to that school and cease to be an excess employee and the position does not need to be advertised.

Where an excess employee declines a redeployment offer, the principal of the transfer school is to inform Workplace Relations of the outcome via

On the redeployment of an excess employee, the principal of the school where the employee was identified in excess will inform the employee in writing and the Schools Recruitment Unit via that the employee is no longer identified as an excess employee.

Redeployment (absorbed at the base school)

If the circumstances in a school with excess employees changes during a school year resulting in the school no longer having an excess staff situation for that year, action should be taken to absorb the excess employee(s). The changes in a school’s circumstances that may resolve the excess staff situation include:

  • the permanent departure of staff (such as transfer, promotion, resignation or retirement)
  • the absence of staff on long term leave (leave of longer than 6 months that extends to the end of the school year)
  • unexpected enrolment changes
  • changes to a school’s budget position.

Where an excess employee is absorbed the principal will inform the employee in writing and the Schools Recruitment Unit via that the employee is no longer identified as an excess employee.

Temporary placement (temporary transfer)

An excess employee who is selected for a vacancy of 12 months or less duration must be offered temporary placement to the position as advertised and given 10 working days to accept or reject the offer. At the conclusion of the temporary placement, the excess employee will return to their original school unless the employee has been placed into another vacancy.

During this temporary placement the employee will continue to be identified as an excess employee and may apply for other vacancies as an excess employee, including those commencing in the following year. The redeployment and career transition provider will continue to provide support and assistance to excess employees during the period of any temporary placement.

Should an excess employee who is accepted for temporary placement at another school not be available to take up the position due to an absence of leave expected to be for longer than 6 weeks, the temporary placement will not proceed and the excess employee will remain at the base school.

Should an excess employee who is temporarily placed at another school take up the position and subsequently commence a period of leave that is expected to be 6 weeks or longer, the temporary placement may be cancelled by the principal with the vacancy and the employee return to the base school.

Where an excess employee accepts temporary placement in a position of 12 months or less at or below their current salary range or classification, the employee maintains their salary for the duration of the temporary placement. The salary of an employee cannot be temporarily reduced as a result of temporary placement. However, where an excess leading teacher’s or learning specialist’s tenure expires during the temporary placement or before taking up the temporary placement, salary will be reduced to the classroom teacher level on expiry of the tenure in accordance with the salary on non-renewal policy.

Reimbursement of expenses

An excess employee who is required to travel in order to attend an interview for an advertised vacancy as part of the redeployment process will have reasonable and necessary expenses reimbursed.

An excess employee who is redeployed to a different locality may be entitled to reasonable costs associated with the relocation in accordance with a Ministerial Order.

Redeployment for Excess Procedures — Teaching Service

Reviewed 14 February 2025

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