
Procedures and forms

eduPay manuals and guides

School staff performance and development

For further information regarding the revised performance and development process on eduPay for employees in the teaching service:

Employee Self Service

For all employees requiring assistance with Employee Self Service (ESS) functions such as applying for leave, maintaining personal details and updating banking details:

Manager Self Service

For managers or principals requiring assistance with Manager Self Service (MSS) functions such as approving leave applications submitted through ESS:


For managers, principals and HR Administrators requiring assistance with the reporting options in eduPay:

Additional eduPay access

For principals to provide, amend or revoke additional access to eduPay for employees in their school. This includes amending the validator access and information on changing the certifier where the principal changes or is on long term absence:

Payroll certification and validation

For validators and certifiers requiring assistance with performing the validation and certification of the payroll:

Change the validator or certifier

Information on how to update the certifier or validator(s) for the school or work location:

Manage delegations

To enable the manager or principal to delegate the processing of leave submitted through ESS:

HR administration eduPay user guides and checklists

The eduPay user guides contain extensive help on all eduPay functions that the HR Administrator may be required to complete:

School local payroll

A number of useful resources for the School Local Payroll are available for HR Administrators on eduGate. This includes eduPay user guides which are targeted to SLP operations, other training materials, links, forms and the school local payroll calendars:

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Resources for eduPay and eduPay Help including Employee Self Service help, Manager Self Service help, HR administrator user guides and checklists, forms and school local payroll information

Reviewed 12 December 2024

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