School operations

Workplace Safety Inspections

Identifying risks and hazards using workplace safety inspections

The principal, delegate and/or other allocated responsible person (refer to: Planning and allocating workplace safety inspections) must critically examine the workplace areas defined in each of the relevant checklists. Multiple workplace safety inspection checklists may be used on different floors, wings or areas within a school if needed.

The principal, delegate/s and/or allocated responsible person must:

  • review previous workplace safety inspections, if available
  • move through the area being inspected, visually identifying and recording hazards on the checklist
  • ensure any hazard controls already in place are still effective
  • identify building materials or equipment which need attention due to signs of wear and tear, impact, vibration, heat, corrosion, chemical reaction or misuse
  • identify uncorrected issues from previous inspections.

In each checklist there is a reporting plan (section 2) that the individual completing the inspection must use to summarise the actions as a result of the inspection (refer to the chapter on Controlling risks arising from workplace safety inspections).

If the individual conducting the workplace safety inspection identifies a serious or imminent danger, they must inform the principal immediately, or their delegate if not available. Depending on the level of risk, work may need to stop until the risk is eliminated or adequate controls are implemented.

Includes information on identifying risks and hazards using workplace safety inspections

Reviewed 22 November 2022

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