
Posters for display in all schools

Claim lodgement documents

Return to work resources

Payroll procedures

Other useful resources

Training opportunities

Return to Work Coordination eLearn

The Return to Work Coordination eLearn is available on LearnEDExternal Link . The aim of this eLearn is to enhance the awareness and comprehension of the roles and responsibilities as return to work coordinators, and to improve return to work planning and support for workers. Return to work coordinators must enrol into and complete this eLearn on commencement of their role and every 2 years.


There are a variety of webinars suitable for principals, business managers, return to work coordinators and HR administration staff. Register through the LearnED links for the topics of choice. If there are no dates available for your preferred webinar, please contact

Workers’ Compensation one-day course

The Workers’ Compensation one-day course is a great course for anyone new to claims management, anyone who has received a new claim for the first time or as a refresher for experienced staff. This course will update staff on regulatory and process changes and provide department-specific material to help injured staff return to work safely. Completing this course addresses the return to work coordinator competency requirement in occupational health and safety (OHS) audits.

For available dates and to register, refer to Workers’ Compensation (one day course) in LearnEDExternal Link (staff login required).

Return to work coordinator roles and responsibility training 2-day course

This 2-day WorkSafe accredited course is for people who are new to a return to work coordinator role or who have been in the role but have not received training. WorkSafe recommends all nominated return to work coordinators to complete this course. Completing this course addresses the return to work coordinator competency requirement in occupational health and safety (OHS) audits.

For available dates and to register, refer to Return-to-work coordinator roles and responsibilities in LearnEdExternal Link (staff login required) .

eduSafe Plus Workers’ Compensation Functionality online training

eduSafe PlusExternal Link provides an electronic platform for schools to manage their workers’ compensation claims, including submitting claims, uploading documents and adding notes. Refer to the Knowledge BaseExternal Link for the eduSafe Plus training schedule (which includes all upcoming eduSafe Plus training), or enrol directly into the Using Workers’ Compensation functionality in eduSafe Plus’ via LearnEdExternal Link (staff login required).

Resources page including the If you are injured at work poster, Returning to work poster and a link to the Return to Work Coordinator Portal

Reviewed 20 March 2025

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