3. Volunteer OHS Induction

The principal and/or their delegate (for example, facilities manager) must induct all volunteers using the Volunteer OHS induction checklist (DOCX)External Link .

If an equivalent template to the Volunteer OHS Induction Checklist is utilised, it must include the following information as a minimum:

  • Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
  • OHS Policies and associated requirements
  • emergency procedures
  • asbestos management processes
  • hazardous chemicals and/or dangerous goods management processes
  • hazard and incident reporting
  • first aid and infection control procedures
  • personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • security and access.

The Volunteer OHS induction Handbook (DOCX)External Link can be used to assist in providing guidance on school specific and department OHS requirements to volunteers.

3.1 Sign in and sign out

As part of the volunteer OHS induction process the principal and/or their delegate are to inform all volunteers that, prior to the commencement of any works or services, they are to report to the general office upon arrival at the school.

This requirement is indicated on signage located at all entrances to the school.

Volunteers must sign in prior to entering the school premises and a visitor’s pass is to be issued and worn by the volunteer at all times while remaining on school premises.

On completion of their work, volunteers must sign out when leaving the school site.

The principal and/or their delegate must inform all volunteers to report to a designated point/school representative to sign in and be issued with a name badge when undertaking work outside of school premises (for example camp, excursion).

3.2 Working with children checks

The principal or their delegate should consider whether or not a Working With Children check for volunteers is required by referring to the Working with Children Checks and other Suitability Checks for School Volunteers and Visitors policy and any relevant school level policies.

Chapter 3 of the Volunteer OHS Procedure on the process for inducting volunteers in schools

Reviewed 20 June 2024

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