1. Engaging volunteers

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that the types of works to be undertaken by volunteers and assess the level of risk associated with the works is determined. Examples of types of volunteer work includes:

  • parent assisting in a classroom
  • gardening/landscaping
  • painting
  • clean-up of grounds
  • school fetes
  • theatre performances or presentation days
  • school excursions
  • school camps.

1.1 High-risk tasks

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that the following high-risk tasks should not normally be undertaken by volunteers unless there are exceptional circumstances and the volunteers are competent to undertake the tasks. If the principal or their delegate approve these tasks being undertaken by volunteers, the Contractor OHS Management Procedure must be followed for any of these tasks:

  • confined space entry
  • demolition works
  • hazardous manual handling
  • hot works – for example, welding
  • powered mobile plant – for example, forklift
  • removal or disturbance of asbestos
  • temporary supports for structural alterations
  • tilt-up or precast concrete
  • trenches or shafts deeper than one and half metres
  • use of explosives
  • use of hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods
  • works in tunnels
  • working at heights – 2 metres or more
  • work that is in, on or near:
    • artificial temperature extremes – for example, work in an operating cool room or freezer
    • chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines
    • contaminated or flammable atmospheres
    • electrical installations or services
    • pressurised gas distribution mains or piping
    • roads
    • telecommunications towers
    • water/liquids that pose a drowning risk.

1.2 Volunteers working where there is the potential to fall 2 metres or more

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that volunteers working where there is a potential to fall 2 metres or more, are trained in the competency-based Work Safely at Heights Training Course (RIIWHS204E).

The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that volunteers also supply a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) (Word)External Link or equivalent for any tasks where there is the potential to fall 2 metres or more, as mandated by the department.

If the proposed work requires a SWMS, the works cannot proceed until the principal and/or their delegate has reviewed and signed the SWMS, to verify it has been sighted. A new SWMS will be required if scope of works change.

The principal is to retain a copy of the completed SWMS and maintain on file.

Chapter 1 of the Volunteer OHS Management Procedure on assessing health and safety risks when engaging volunteers in schools

Reviewed 07 June 2024

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