School operations

Transition — Year 6 to 7


This policy sets out school obligations for the application process from primary school to secondary school and the support schools need to provide students to assist in a smooth transition from Year 6 to Year 7.


Year 7 application process – annual placement information packs

The Year 7 application process, including annual placement information packs and application form, has been moved to Year 6 to 7 placement.

Supporting student transitions

A successful transition from primary to secondary school involves a student being able to move as seamlessly as possible to their new setting. To ensure all students are supported in their transition to secondary school, schools must ensure their transition practice and programs provide appropriate personal, social and academic supports to promote student engagement and wellbeing.

In the context of the disruption to schooling over the past few years, the department has developed more detailed guidance in the following document: Supporting a positive transition to secondary school in 2024 (DOCX)External Link which provides up-to-date information and support for schools to plan and implement effective transitions programs for the 2023 to 2024 schools years. This document should be read in conjunction with the guidance and resources tabs.


For school queries, transition packs, and support

Contact the regional Youth Pathways and Transitions Managers (one per Region), School Improvement Division, Schools and Regional Services.

For school queries or feedback on this Transition — Year 6 to 7 Policy

Partnerships and Priority Cohorts

Department policy setting out school obligations for the application process from primary school to secondary school and the support schools need to provide students to assist in a smooth transition

Reviewed 07 June 2024

Policy last updated

29 August 2023


  • Schools


There are multiple contacts for this policy. Refer to the Contact section of this policy for details.

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