School operations

Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment

2. Testing and tagging of newly purchased electrical equipment

When the electrical equipment is new, the supplier is deemed responsible for the initial electrical safety of the equipment. New equipment need not be tested but should be examined by the principal or their delegate for obvious damage and be issued with a ‘New to Service’ tag.

Where deemed in good condition, the equipment should be tested in accordance with the testing frequency in the Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment Frequency Guide (DOCX)External Link .

The following information should be included on the tag:

  • wording ‘new to service’
  • pass/fail
  • date of entry to service
  • date when next test is due.

The principal and/or their delegate should ensure that newly purchased electrical equipment are recorded on the Electrical Equipment Register (DOCX)External Link or equivalent.

Requirements for schools to ensure safety for new electrical equipment

Reviewed 21 June 2024

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